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Planning Economics & Statistics Department Govt.of Madhya Pradesh
Updated On:Oct 2023

The State Planning Board was constituted through General Administration Department’s resolution dated 24.10.1972 for the purpose of assessing the resources of the state followed by preparation of schemes for their effective utilization. Alongside, assisting District Planning Officers, promoting economic growth while mitigating regional imbalances, monitoring scheme progress, and suggesting recommendations were among other responsibilities.

The State Planning Board was known as State Planning Commission since 21/09/2007. With the perspective of developing the commission into state level think tank organisation to support Government of Madhya Pradesh in policy matters for multidimensional development of the state, the commission was renamed as Madhya Pradesh State Policy and Planning Commission as per the Government order F 02-01-2019-XXIII-PES dated 10th Feb 2020 which was amended on 28th August 2023 and the Commission was renamed as Madhya Pradesh Rajya NITI Aayog (MPRNA).

MPRNA plays a pivotal role in coordination matters pertaining to the matters where more than one department of state government are involved. MPRNA acts as Think Tank of the state government keeping in view the aim of creating a bright future of the state.

The main roles and responsibilities of MPRNA are:
  • Acts as policy advisor to different government departments and public undertakings, will review prevalent policies and schemes of the departments on different subjects.
  • It plays an important role in supervision, evaluation and monitoring of selected projects and schemes like Sustainable Development Goals-2030 (SDG), Aspirational District Program (ADP), and Aspirational Block Program (ABP), CM Dashboard and selected schemes and projects various departments of state government and to make recommendations for their effective implementation.
  • MPRNA also act as an implementing agency of NITI Aayog in Madhya Pradesh in context of the directions and suggestions given by the GoI and shall act as representative nodal agency in the context of the state.
  • Keeping in view all the responsibilities of GoI. Aayog shall study the reports and rankings issued by GoI from time to time and shall make necessary recommendations to the concerned departments.
  • Aayog will take necessary actions in coordination with various National and International Institutions such as UN organisations, Social Organisations, Voluntary Organisations etc. for the development of the state.
  • MPRNA will develop itself as a resource centre with the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation, and provide strategic policy vision for the government.

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