Chapter -IX    Scientific Services & Environment


For creating suitable infrastructure for the spread of Science and Technology in the State the Govt.of M.P. set-up the Council of Science and Technology in November,1981 as a Autonomous Society registered under the Society Registration Act, 1973.

The main objectives of the Council are to identify areas where Science & Technology input is required for development in various sectors (with special reference to SCs/STs and weaker sections), to contribute towards development of Science & Technology capabilities in the State and to take all such steps which will promote modernisation in the State through inputs of Science and Technology etc. The Council is also authorised to initiate and assist in the development of laboratories which would promote development of the State and popularise science in the State.

Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India has drawn out a National Level Action Plan in pursuance of the Science & Technology policy 1993. The MPCST is the nodel agency for the implementation of such programmes in the State. The M.P. Council of Science & Technology has also initiated some schemes for promotion of Science & Technology in the State.

- Popularisation of Science

- Aquaculture

- Research and development activities

- Remote Sensing Application

- Control of spread of scrub cattle population by vaccination

- Manpower Development and training

- Application of S & T for poverty alleviation and improvement of quality of life

- Biodiversity

- Conservation of Aromatic Grases

- Medicinal and aromatic plants and forestry plants.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002

2.1 The main objectives are popularation of Science, Training and Employment and Development of Indigenous technologies.

2.2 The 9th Plan approved outlay is Rs. 935.00 lakh.

2.3 Prgorammes to be implemented during the Plan include popularisation of Science, Rational Management of land and Water Resources, promotion and development of suitable technologies for SC/ST and other weaker sections, creation of facility for Environmental research, management of Mineral resoureces, creation of facilities for Non-convential sources of energy, science and Technology for women for self employment, Poverty alleviation and improvement in rural economy, disaster management etc.

Annual Plan 1997-98

2.4 The Plan outlay for the year 1997-98 was Rs. 200.00 lakh. The budgeted outlay was Rs. 200.00 lakh against which Rs. 100.00 lakh was released by Finance Department. The expenditure during the year 1997-98 was Rs. 100.28 lakh.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

- The approved outlay for the year 1998-99 was Rs. 200.00 lakh. The budgeted outlay was Rs. 180.00 lakh, against which an amount of Rs. 63.33 lakh was released by Finance Department. The expenditure during the year 1998-99 was Rs. 79.06 lakh successfull technology transfer programmes taken-up by MPCST include the cultivation of fresh water giant prawns biofertilizer and tissue culture. Remote sensing applications undertaken include thermatic mapping of natural resources in 5 districts, mapping of groundwater zones, wild-life habitat and change in environment.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

- The proposed outlay for the year 1999-2000 is Rs. 200.00 lakh. Two regional units are proposed to be set-up at Jabalpur and Indore, besides establishment of a Cactus park for commercial exploitation and setting-up of IT/Patent cells. Collbrative programme with centre for Advanced Technology, Indore for the preservation of food and vegetable items through radiation technology is also envisaged.





Environmental consciousness has increased during the last two decades, largely on account of the realization of the damage caused to environment by various human actions. Considering the importance of conservation and management, Madhya Pradesh Govt. created a separate Department of Environment in 1973. Apart from the Pollution Control Board in 1974,and the Environmental Planning and Coordination Organisation (EPCO) in 1981, the State Govt. also established a Disaster Management Institute in 1987.

I. Environmental Planning & Coordination Organisation (EPCO)

The organisation was created with the following aims :-

  1. To create public awareness with regard to environment in the State. Conserve and develop a safe, healthy, productive and acsthetically satisfying environment.
  2. To assist and advise the Government of Madhya Pradesh in the formulation and implementation of environmental policies for the State.
  3. To identify major environmental problems and to assist in solving these through research studies. Promote technologies of environmental safety, waste utilisation re-cycling of resources.
  4. To organise educational and training programmes for professionals, managers, administrators and people in general.
  5. To coordinate the activities of Government and semi-government agencies in these efforts.
  6. Preserve water bodies, wetlands, historic and cultural monuments and their environment.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002

2.1 The main objectives are to create environmental awareness among the people and to encourage peoples participation, identify and solve major environmental problems, organise educational and training programmes for professionals etc. and to coordinate the activites of Govt. and Semi govt. Agencies.

2.2 The 9th Plan approved outlay is Rs. 17795.00 lakh.

2.3 Programmes to be implemented during the Plan include Environmental upgradation of pressure areas, research and publication, workshop and training environmental and awarness activities and implementation of Bhoj Wet Land Project and Conservation & Management of Sagar Lake.

Annual Plan 1997-98

2.4 The Plan outlay for the year 1997-98 was Rs. 5284.00 lakh. The budgeted outlay was Rs. 5150.00 lakh, against which an amount of Rs. 1263.56 lakh was released by Finance Department. The expenditure during the year 1997-98 was Rs. 1309.55 lakh.

2.5 Bhoj-wet-land conservation project is assisted by OECF-Japan. For Bhoj-wet-land project the provision was Rs. 5000.00 lakh against which Rs. 1167.20 lakh was spent.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

3.1 The approved outlay for the year 1998-99 was Rs. 5035.00 lakh including Rs. 5000.00 lakh for Bhoj-wet-land project. The budgeted outlay was Rs. 4505.00 lakh againt which an amount of Rs. 2135.70 lakh was released by Finance Department. The expenditure during the year 1998-99 was Rs.2090.70 lakh including Rs. 2088.00 lakh for Bhoj-wet-land project.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

- The proposed outlay for the year 1999-2000 is Rs. 5040.00 lakh including Rs. 5000.00 lakh for the Bhoj-wet land project. Besides implementation of ongoing activities, it is proposed to update the Environmental Survey and prepare feasibility reports for external assistance.




The Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board primarily looks after the implementation of the Water and Air Pollution Control Acts and the Environment Protection Act whereby the Board has been entrusted with the responsibilities of management and monitoring of hazardous substances. The MPPCB is also the nodel agency for the implementation of the National River Conservation Programme in the State.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002

2.1 The main objectives are water and Air Pollution Control, and monitoring, management and Monitering of hazardous substances, preparation of national River Action Plan for 11 towns and minimising pollution in the industrial areas.

2.2 The 9th Plan approved outlay is Rs. 1869.00 lakh.

2.3 Annual Plan 1997-98 ------------------

- The Plan outlay for the year 1997-98 was Rs. 400.00 lakh. Budgeted outlay was Rs. 375.00 lakh and the amount released was Rs. 103.00 lakh. The expenditure duirng the year 1997-98 was Rs. 273.01 lakh.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

- The approved outlay for the year 1998-99 was Rs. 225.00 lakh. The budgeted outlay was Rs. 200.00 lakh and the amount released was Rs. 96.15 lakh by the Finance Department. The actual expenditure during the year 1998-99 was Rs. 96.15 lakh.

4. The proposed outlay for the year 1999-2000 is Rs. 198.00 lakh. It is proposed to take-up survey of Onkareshwar and Satna town for re-cycling of waste water, complete 10 ongoing review-pollution control schemes besides commencement of project activities under the World Bank Industrial Pollution Control Project.




The main objective of the institute is to provide training in Disaster Management, Industrial Health and Safety and related subjects for the officials of Government Departments, Public and Private sector Industrial establishments and others. After Bhopal gas tragedy to prevent recurrence of such accidents, the major thrust has been placed on prevention, control and management of Industrial Disasters.

2. 9th Five Year Plan 1997-2002

2.1 The institute's main objective is to evolve and enhance adequate competence for prevention, mitigation and management of disasters.

2.2 The 9th Plan approved outlay is Rs. 421.00 lakh.

Annual Plan 1997-98

2.3 The Plan outlay for the year 1997-98 was Rs. 155.00 lakh. The budgeted provision for the year 1997-98 was Rs. 15.00 lakh and same amount was released by Finance Department, against which an expenditure of Rs. 15.00 lakh has been incurred.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

3.1 The approved outlay for the year 1998-99 was Rs. 15.00 lakh. The budgetd outlay was Rs. 13.50 lakh and the same amount released by the Finance Department. The actual expenditure during the year 1998-99 was Rs. 13.50 lakh.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

- The proposed outlay for 1999-2000 is Rs. 7.00 lakh, which will be utilised for conducting training courses and awareness programmes.