The State Govt. have commenced the MLAs-Local Area Development Scheme since 29th july,1994 on the lines of the MPs Area Development Scheme launched by GOI. Under the scheme, every MLA can recommend to the District Collector, small works not exceeding a total cost of Rs. 20 lakhs in the course of one year. The scheme is being implemented under the overall supervision of the State Planning Board as in the case of the MPs Area Development Scheme.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan & Annual Plan 1997-98 :

2.1 The outlay approved for Ninth Plan is Rs. 300.00 crore and for 1997-98 is Rs. 64.20 crore.

2.2 During 1997-98, 8598 works were sanctioned under the MLAKADS out of which 2198 works were completed and 3377 were under progress Rs. 63.79 crores were spent on these works.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

- The outlay approved for Annual Plan 1998-99 is Rs. 64.20crores, against which Rs. 64.08 crores expenditure has been incurred.

3.1 During the year 1998-99 10578 works were sanctioned out of which 4634 works were completed and 4734 works were under progress.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

The outlay proposed for Annual Plan 1999-2000 is Rs. 64.20 crores.


- The Directorate of Economics & Statistics is charged with existence for the development of an efficient statistical machinery both at State and District levels and also for creating a reliable statistical data base for Planners and Administrators.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan & Annual Plan 1997-98

2.1 The outlay approved for Ninth Plan is Rs. 234 lakh and that for Annual Plan 1997-98 was Rs. 50.00 lakh.

2.2 An expenditure of Rs. 4.97 lakh was incurred during 1997-98.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

- For Annual Plan 1998-99 an outlay of Rs. 50.00 lakh was approved against which an expenditure of Rs. 3.34 lakh has been incurred.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

Proposed outlay for Annual Plan 1999-2000 is Rs. 50.00 lakh.


The State of Madhya Pradesh offers a variety of tourist attractions ranging from sculpture to wild life, and hence it is comparable to the top tourist destination of the country. As an industry tourism has great potential for earning foreign exchange and also creating employment opportunities.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan & Annual Plan 1997-98 :

2.1 The objectives envisaged for the Ninth Plan for development of tourism sector are as follows :-

- Provision of accommodation and transport facilities to all classes of tourists.

- Promotion of private sector in tourism activities by providing incentives.

- Integrated development of two hill resorts, one each at Tamia in Chhindwara district and Mainpat in Sarguja district.

- Development of identified tourist centres of Bandhavgarh, Orcha, Mandu and Pachmarhi for international tourism.

- Promotion of new amenities in tourism like fairs, festivals, folk art, adventure games like climbing, trekking, water sports etc. to attract more number of tourists.

- Use of various media for wider publicity.

2.2 An outlay of Rs. 1472.00 lakh has been approved for Ninth Plan and Rs. 315.00 lakh for the Annual Plan 1997-98.

2.3 Against the approved outlay an amount of Rs. 303.10 lakh has been spent, of which Rs. 170.20 lakh have been invested in the M.P. Tourism Development Corporation, Rs. 70.00 lakh for publicity and Rs. 20.50 lakh on various festivals.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

Annual Plan 1998-99 provided an outlay of Rs. 243.00 lakh against which an amount of Rs. 12.53 lakh has been spent, as sanction for rest of the schemes were not cleared.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

For Annual Plan 1999-2000, an outlay of Rs. 250.00 lakh has been proposed of which Rs. 50.00 lakh will be from autonomous funds.




- The main functions are to stamp and test correctness of metric weights and measures and other instruments and to enforce various provisions of weights and measure laws so that general public is protected from fraudulent weighments.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan & Annual Plan 1997-98 :

2.1 An outlay of Rs. 47.00 lakh has been approved for Ninth Plan & Rs. 10.00 lakh for Annual Plan 1997-98.

2.2 During 1997-98 Rs. 9.95 lakh have been spent on modernization of equipments.

3. Annual Plan 1998-99

An outlay of Rs. 10.00 lakh has been approved in the Annual Plan 1998-99. During the year Rs. 9.73 lakh has been spent on modernization of equipments.

4. Annual Plan 1999-2000

An outlay of Rs. 10.00 lakh has been proposed for the Annual Plan 1999-2000 for modernization of equipments.