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Un-interrupted and adequate power supply is essential for the progress of the State. Two important major sectors of the economy, agriculture and industry are dependent on the power sector. The emphasis during the Ninth Plan has been to take up a number of hydel projects so that a proper thermal - hydro mix could be created for improving the power supply. Rural electrification has also been intensified.

The present installed capacity of MPSEB is 2940.45 MW comprising of 2147.5 MW Thermal and 792.95 MW Hydel capacity. Further it has share of 1292.63 MW in the central sector projects. The state is presently facing acute power shortage. Against the peak demand of 5313 MW, the peak availability as per norms is 3338 MW and there is shortage of 1975 MW (37.2%). There is shortage of 27.5% in meeting energy requirement.

Achievements in the Ninth plan

The expected expenditure during the Ninth Plan during the years 1997-2002 is Rs. 2335.46 crores. The year-wise expenditure for the year 1997-98 is Rs. 601.27 crores, 1998-99 Rs. 583.09 crores, 1999-2000 Rs. 546.44 crores, 20-00-2001 Rs. 342.58 crores and for the year 2001-02 expected expenditure is Rs. 262.08 crores.

Physical progress achieved during the 9th plan is as under :-


Sr.No. Item Unit Ninth Plan (1997-02)
Programme Anticipated Achievements
1. Addition in Installed Generation MW 541.25 499.9
2. Increase in the length of EHV Transmission lines kms. Circuit 3700 1476.49
3. Increase in the capacity of EHV Sub-Stations MVA 4800 3056
4. Sub-Transmission & Distribution

(a) 33 KV Lines

kms. 3650 2904

(b) 11 KV Lines

kms. 3175 8966

(c) L.T. Lines

kms - 24269
5. Power Transformers Nos. 275 358
6. Distribution Transformers Nos. 13500 31731
7. New Street Light Points Nos. - 22671
8. Increase in Number of Consumers Nos. - 1194655
9. Rural Electrification :

(a) Villages Electrified (Total)

Nos. 1750 911

(b1) Pumps Energised (Total)

Nos. 60000 140848

(b2) Pumps for which lines laid (Total) (New Pumps)

Nos. - 136604

(c) Electrification of Majra/Tolas (Total)

Nos. 2500 7763

(d) SC Basties Electrified

Nos. 2500 1431

(e)Single light point in Rural Areas




    Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07 and Annual Plan 2002-03

Aim and objective of 10th Five Year Plan is to remove the Power Shortage by augmenting of transmission and distribution system and to extend the electricity to all villages of the state. Looking to the dismal progress of the private sector generation projects so far, a composite approach is proposed to be adopted during the 10th plan by augmenting the generation capacity in state sector central sector, joint sector and private sector instead of depending on any particular sector.

Proposed outlay for Tenth plan is Rs. 4960.00 crores. The plan outlay for the year 2002-03 as proposed is Rs. 850.00 crores.

Brief description of the proposals for works/projects during Tenth Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03 are as follows :-

The State Government is giving highest priority to the power sector in 10th Plan. The outlay proposed for capacity addition programmes for the Tenth plan is Rs. 1660 crores and Rs. 156.9 crores for 2002-03.

At present no thermal project is under construction. It is proposed to take up the work on Sanjay Gandhi. Thermal Power Station Extension (500 MW) during 2002-03 and commission by March 2006. Outlay of Rs. 1000 crores has been proposed in Tenth Plan.

Another new thermal project Amarkantak TPS Extension (200 MW) is proposed and outlay of Rs. 350 crores is proposed during Tenth Plan.

In order to commission the balance units of Bansagar Tons HEP provision of Rs. 87.8 crores has been made for the Xth Plan and Rs. 35.2 crores has been made for 2002-03.

For the work on approved Manikheda HEP (3x20 MW) district Shivpuri provision of Rs. 90 crores has been made during the Tenth Plan and outlay of Rs. 40 crores for the year 2002-03.

The outlay proposed for the transmission schemes is Rs. 1600 crores for the Tenth Plan and Rs. 315 crores for the annual plan 2002-03.

The outlays proposed under Rural Electrification Schemes is as follows:-

(Rs. in crores)

Plan TSP SCP PMGY Others Total
Tenth Plan 50.0 95.0 75.0 267.15 487.15
Annual Plan 2002-03 10.0 19.0 15.0 29.3 73.3


M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam was constituted by the Government of Madhya Pradesh in August 1982. The main activities of the Urja Vikas Nigam are as under :-

1. Establishment of various power projects based on the non-conventional energy sources in private sector.

2. Implementation of various non-conventional energy based projects in the State.

3. Promotion and popularisation of use of non-conventional energy sources.

4. Promotion of Research and Development activities in the field of non-conventional energy sources.

5. With a view to encourage energy conservation, arranging Energy Audits in selected industrial units and other institutions, offices etc.

6. Co-ordination among the Central, State Government and investors for setting up power plants based on non-conventional energy sources.

7. Electrification of un-electrified villages through non-conventional energy sources.

Achievements during the Ninth Plan

The expected expenditure during the Ninth Plan is Rs. 18.39 crores. The expenditure in 1997-98, 98-99, 99-2000 and 2000-2001 are 3.45, 5.51, 3.93, 3.51 crores and expected expenditure in 2001-2002 is Rs. 1.99 crores.

Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07 and Annual Plan 2002-03.

The total provision for the Tenth Five Year Plan is Rs. 2.42 crores and the provision for the Annual Plan 2002-03 is Rs. 1.07 crores.

Nigam has decided to focus its activities mainly in the following areas during the 10th five year plan.

(i) Energy conservation, Energy audits and consultancy services.

(ii) Schemes under minimum energy need programmes.

(iii) Training, publicity, awareness programmes, marketing facilitation, including after sale services and women empowerment with a view to pronto the applications of non-conventional sources of energy and energy conservation programmes.

(iv) Research and development activities.

(v) Implementation of various projects based on non-conventional energy sources.

During the Tenth Five Year Plan the following programmes has been proposed.

S. No. Item Tenth Plan 2002-07 Annual Plan 2002-03
1. 1. Bio Gas    

a) Domestic

21000 Nos 3000 Nos


55 Nos 25 Nos
2. Solar Photovaltaic    

a) Street light

460 Nos 60 Nos

b) Solar lanterns

5600 Nos 840 Nos

c) Domestic Light

1600 Nos 240 Nos

d) Power Plant

70 Nos 10 Nos

e) Drinking water System

18 Nos 10 Nos
3. Biomass Power Plant 35 MW 3.1 MW
4. Wind Energy Monitoring 38 sites 20 sites
5. Energy conservation Energy Audits 300 Units 40 Units

Integrated Rural Energy Programmes

The Electrification of un electrified remote and fur-flung villages is carried out by installation of solar photo voltaic plants/biomass gasifiers etc. Under the minimum energy need programmes (MENP) to ensure grid quality power supply in such villages. Under the MENP a scheme for supply of drinking water to the villages through solar. Photo voltaic/Gasifiers based pumping system is also proposed.

Proposed outlay for the Tenth Five Year Plan is Rs. 19.23 crores and for the annual Plan 2002-03 is Rs. 3.15 crores.

It is proposed to provide drinking water schemes in 420 villages during the Tenth Five Year Plan period and in 63 villages during annual plan 2002-03.