Government of Madhya Pradesh
Annual Plan 2002-2003






The Directive Principles of the Constitution of India envisages provision of free and compulsory elementary education to all children until they complete the age of 14 years. In pursuance of the constitutional directive, the need for a literae population and provision of elementary education as a crucial input for nation building, the National policy on Education (NPE) 1986 as revised in 1992, stated that free and compulsory education of satisfactory quality should be provided to all children up to 14 years of age before the commencement of the 21st century. Now that the 21st Century has set in, fresh dead lines have been drawn up. The task of UEE has proved to be complex and challenging and this has to be recognized for initiating effective time bound action. The goals of UEE are ;

The policy relating to secondary education implies extension of the school system in the unserved areas, consolidating the existing facilities and providing special arrangements for the talented children and the high achievers. This would mean that it would require :-

The effective literacy rate excluding the population (0-6 age group) moved up from 44.7 percent in 1991 - Census to 64.11 percent in 2001 census in the state. The male literacy rate has risen from 58.5 percent in 1991 to 76.80 percent whereas the female literacy has shot-up from 29.4 percent in 1991 to 50.28 percent in 2001 census.

The "school education scheme" in Madhya Pradesh are being implemented through three departments viz. School Education, Tribal Welfare and Scheduled Caste welfare department. Hence separate provision for each department is now depicted under corresponding plan segment.


2.0 9th Five Year Plan           

2.1 While, universalizing of elementary education has been the National Policy’s goal, nevertheless there has been a clear thrust on universalization of primary education in 8th and 9th Plans. Some significant contributions have been made especially in the 9th Plan towards strengthening the base of primary education. The 9th Plan has yielded critical insights into the process of UEE.

2.2 For the 9th Plan a provision of Rs. 167255.00 lakh has been approved of which an outlay of Rs. 109974.00 lakh is for elementary education and the remaining Rs. 57281.00 lakh is for secondary education, including SC & ST welfare department.

2.3 Actual expenditure incurred during the first four years of 9th Plan is as under:-

Rs. in Lakhs

Elementary Education

  1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01

School Education





Tribal Welfare





S.C. Welfare 3063.00 2535.00 2596.91 3834.43







Secondary Education






School Education





Tribal Welfare





S.C. Welfare











2.4 Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 50526.45 including SC and ST welfare of which Rs. 36059.32 lakh for elementary education and 14467.13 lakh for secondary education, against which an expenditure of Rs. 51527.53 lakh is anticipated (of which Rs. 36180.48 lakh under elementary and Rs. 15346.05 lakh for secondary education).

2.5 Lok Sampark Abhiyan II carried out in the year 2000 has made possible the formation of comprehensive state perspective UEE Plan with district specific perspective plan.

(i)  LSA has also made visible the large access gap particularly high-lighting very deprived areas and groups. The M.P. EGS (Education Guarantee Scheme) was launched in 1997. A historical backlog of 30,000 assess habitation could be eliminated in 2 yrs time. Now every habitation has a schooling facility with in a kilometer. By Auust 1998 MP declared universal access to primary education.

(ii)  Universal access to upper Primary - 7575 Schools are being upgraded to upper primary Current norm is upper primary and middle school within 3 km.

(iii)  Improving physical infrastructure 236 Block Resource centres (Teachers Training Centre) have been constructed in 33 district to facilitate teachers training at Block level. 4458 additional class rooms have been constructed. In 33 DPEP districts there is an increase in school with Pucca Building from 21496 in 1997 and 27091 in 2000. Drinking water facility has been provided in 27509 schools in 2000 as compared to 21283. In schools with common toilet has increased to 10514 from 3859 and schools with toilet for girl students has increased from 1837 in 1997 to 5308 in 2000.

2.6  Gross enrollment ratio (GER) has risen from 76.48 percent in 1996 to 96.31 percent in 2001. The GER at upper primary level is 69.13 percent. To provide access to secondary education in unserved areas, 460 High Schools and 244 High Secondary Schools have been established in 9th Plan period. Under mid-day meal programme out of 313 blocks, cooked meal is being provided in 89 tribal blocks and food grains are being provided in remaing 224 blocks. "Out of School" children has decreased from 37.39% in 1997 to 4.0% in 2000. Under school education in tribal areas 680 junior primary schools and 551 primary schools have been up-graded into middle schools. Also 1213 new middle schools have been opened in tribal area. 16 new high school buildings were constructed. Under the scheme of free supply fo text books to the students of Class I to V 8.67 lakh students were benefitted. Similarly 70736 girls students of class I & II were given free uniforms 391 & 311 High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools respectively were up-graded. School education under SC welfare deptt. Some 85000 girls students have been provided uniforms, some 1000 Hostels and Ashrams are being maintained.

3.0  Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1  The goal of the 10th Five Year Plan get determined by the residual and incomplete task of 9th Plan in the field of primary education and additional task that need to be addressed in the upper primary stage. The key task at the elementary level in the 10th plan is as below :-

(i) Universal access to upper primary school.

(ii) Improving enrolment, retention and reducing drop outs.

(iii) Improving the quality of learning at primary level.

(iv) Restructuring of academic support strengthening the teachers education, enriching the quality of class room process through additional learning resources, Improving learner’s evaluation process, maintaining pupil-teacher ratio, Improving Physical infrastructure and Improving school management throguh dicentralisation and capacity developments.

3.2  For 10th Five Year Plan an outlay of Rs. 294838.25 lakh is proposed of which Rs. 198542.25 lakh is for elementary education and Rs. 96296 lakh for secondary education is proposed. For Annual plan 2002-03 Rs. 56149.44 lakh has been provided of which elementary education account for Rs. 38746.86 lakh and Rs. 17402.58 lakh for Secondary Education including SC and ST Welfare deptt.

The department wise allocation is as under :-

(Rs. lakh)

  Department 10th Five Year Plan
Annual Plan
(A) Elementary Education


School Education




ST Department




SC Department



  Total Elementary Education  198542.25 38746.86



Secondary Education




School Education




ST Department




SC Department



  Total Secondary Education 96296.00 17402.58
  Grand Total (A+B) 294838.25 56149.44


3.3 The major programmes proposed in 10th Plan will be Serva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), EGS, AIE Programme, Teacher Education Programme of Govt. of India and DPEP (only in the first year of 10th Plan). All 45 districts will be covered under SSA. At secondary level it is proposed to establish new High Schools and Higher Secondary School within a walkable distance of 5 km, consolidation of facilities in existing schools, development of school libraries and public libraries and strengthening of existing public school in Indore and Sehore.

Free Uniform for 12.18 lakh girls and free distribution of text books to 66.20 lakh primary school students, opening of 8075 new middle schools of which 1860 in Tribal areas and 1100 in S.C. Community, 2500 new High Schools including 370 for SC and 1000 new Higher Secondary Schools of which 140 for SC and 38 Schools of Excellence are proposed. An additional enrollment in primary classes of 5.62 lakh boys and 6.73 lakh girls is proposed.

In tribal areas opening of 30 new hostels, distribution of scholarship to 15.38 lakh girl student of primary school and 22.12 lakh Boys/Girls Student of Middle and High School. 104 Ashram School Buildings, 44 H.S./H.S.S. Buildings 93 Prematric hostel building are proposed. In SC sector, state prematric scholarship to some 28.50 lakh students, and post matric scholarship to 3.25 lakh post matric students are proposed.


13.2 Higher Education (Non-Technical)

The main objectives are to promote, diversify and improve instruction delivery system to bring about qualitative change in the higher education in the state. The state now has 299 Government Colleges, with a student population of 2.22 lakh (1999-2000). The number of girl student was 87.97 thousand.

1.1 In the 9th Five Year Plan, the strategy adopted is to provide essential basic minimum facilities of equipments/furniture, buildings, books & journals to libraries, in an effective and planned way, using minimum capital investment and through involvement of public participation. Expansion of education in remote & trouble-some areas would be mainly through distance education and open University Courses of Correspondence. The State would also take steps to provide vocationalisation of courses for self employment generation and residential P.G. Centre of excellence in divisional/district head quarters and a Law Education Institute at Bhopal.

2.0   9th Plan & Annual Plan 1997-98, 1998-99 & 1999-2000

2.1  For achieving these objective described above on outlay of Rs. 9437.00 lakh was approved for the 9th Five Year Plan.

2.2  During the 9th Plan period one Model College was proposed to be established at each District Head Quarter and Autonomy will be granted to new colleges. Besides, new subject/faculties will be provided in 150 colleges without creation of new posts from existing staff and upgradation of degree courses in 75 colleges and P.G. courses in 100 colleges will be undertaken. Books and stationary to about 8.10 lakh and 1.80 lakh students respectively will also be provided. Necessary grants-in-aid and financial assistance will be continued to 92 private colleges and NGO’s development grant to 3 Academic Staff Colleges, all Universities, Granth Academy, Indira Gandhi & Bhoj Open Universities will be provided. It is proposed to establish 3 new Divisional offices. Under NSS 499 regular and 249 special camps will be organised and 75 seminars will be held.

2.3  The expenditure incurred, during the four years 1997-98 Rs. 2157.77 lakh, Rs. 1998-99 Rs. 2581.62 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 2874.28 lakh and Rs. 3495.38 lakh in 2000-01.

2.4  Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 2779.00 lakh against which Budgetted outlay is Rs. 5043.04 lakh which is expected to be utilised.


3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan - Objective

No specific new strategy has been proposed in 10th Plan. The activities of IXth Plan are proposed to be continued i.e. existing Govt. Colleges would be continued. Further free supply of books to SC/ST students, one centre of excellence, will be continued. Some 112 new buildings are proposed to be constructed and Grants to Autonomous and Non Govt. Colleges would be given. Development Grant to universities is proposed and electronic libraries are to be set up.


3.1 Tenth Plan 2002-07 & Annual Plan 2002-03

An outlay of Rs. 17125.00 lakh and for Tenth Five Year Plan and Rs. 3425.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

3.2 During Tenth Plan free text books to 80,000 SC students and 1,40,000 SC students are proposed. Purchase of equipments for strengthening of Lab and in 210 colleges is proposed. For Annual Plan 2002-03 free text books to 16000 to S.C. students and 28000 ST students. Strengthening Labs by purchase of equipments to 42 colleges to proposed.


National Literacy Mission was founded in the year 1988 to impart functional literacy to non literates in 15-35 year age group. Result oriented, time bound area specific, volunteer based literacy campaign was launched in M.P. to cover the Adult non literates.

2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

Total literacy campaign (TLC) was launched in 1991 and all the districts were covered. The campaign did not give results to the satisfactory-level for various reasons. Therefore state govt developed (under Rajeev Gandhi Shiksha Mission) - a new strategy of "Pradhna-Badhna-Andolan" in M.P. This campaign was basically meant to revitalise the literacy movement in the state. And the response to this new campaign was phenomenal, as over 2,17,000 Padhna-Badhna Samities enrolling 51.8 lakh illeterates came up. The local person, at gross root was designated as Guruji (Volunteer Guruji) and even T.L.C. Volunteer could also become - such Guruji. The evaluation of this campaign - had shown - miraculous results which were vouchsafed by census 2001, results. During only one year December ‘99 to December 2000 upto March 2001, against target of 51.83 lakh some 29.85 lakh persons were made literate. Literacy rate which came to 64.11% in 2001 as compared to 44.67% in 1991 had registered annual growth rate of 2.7% in 1998-2000 period due to EGS and Padhna Badhna Andolan.

2.1 The approved, outlay for Ninth Plan is Rs. 3505.00 lakh. The expenditure incurred in first four years is 1997-98 Rs. 429.09 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 52.07 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 656.11 lakh 2000-01 Rs. 952.32 lakh.

2.2 The outlay approved for 2001-02 is Rs. 604.66 lakh which is likely to be utilised by year end.

2.3 During the Ninth Plan the physical achievements was as under :-


Made literate

Still learning


11.73 lakh

29.73 lakh


14.05 lakh

17.76 lakh


1.47 lakh

25.07 lakh


30.85 lakh



2.4 National literacy Mission sanctioned 29 post literacy projects for Neo-literates, to prevent of illiteracy and to improve literacy skill, to a self reliant level of learning. 37.70 lakh, neo-literates have been enrolled in the post literacy programme.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

The literacy rate in 2001 has increased in a significant way - catching up with the national average, with Male literacy rate of 76.8% and female literacy rate rising from 28% to over 50%. This status requires - continuance of the literacy programmes.

3.1 Total literacy campaign, post literacy campaign and Padhna Badhna Andolan has created a demand for continuing education (CE). The objective of CE is to provide life long learning opportunities to all people beyond basic and primary education. In addition to establishing education continuing centres the following target specific programmes are :-

(i) Quality of life improvements programme
(ii) Income generation programme
(iii) Equivalency programme
(iv) Invididual interest promotion

Normally one CEC is to be set up for one village. The main functions being library and reading room, study centre, venue for group disucssions information window, development centre, cultural centre, promoting sports and adventure activities and to serve as community centre.

3.2 An outlay of Rs. 7500.00 lakh for Tenth Plan is proposed. No outlay is proposed for Annual Plan 2002-03.

3.3 The Govt. will provide Rs. 25000/- financial assistance for each CEC (covering a population of 2000) and there will be one NCEC of cluster of 10 CEC for which an assistance of Rs. 45000/- per annum will be given. So G.O.I will provide assistance to CEC and 3019 NCEC. The Central Govt. will provide 100% financial assistance for first 3 years of project for 4th and

5th year of the project the central and state govt. will share the expenditure in 50:50 ratio. During Xth Plan some 33213, National literacy programmes are proposed to be implemented of which 9492 in tribal area and 9489 in the S.C. area and rest in general area, under continuing education programme.



Technical Education function in M.P. Covers in its ambit polytechnics, engineering colleges and related institutions besides providing policy and administrative inputs for courses of pharmacy, management and computer applications in the state.

The State has a well established net work of institutions imparting technical education to perspective budding professionals.

At present the state has 5 Govt. autonomous, 4 aided, 6 self financed, 19 private engineering colleges, including one Regional Engg. College, 43 Polytechnics including 13 for women, of the total 43 polytechnics 23 are Govt. 5 autonomous 2 aided private polytechnics one higher secondary technical school. 9 pre vocational training centres. There 16 institutes running MBA courses (of which 9 in univesity deptts of management) 4 colleges of architecture, 10 colleges of pharmacy. Of the total engg. colleges 6 colleges conduct post graduate courses in engg 2 colleges conduct courses in P.G. courses in applied maths, physics and chemistry and geology. Some 30 colleges conudct masters course in computer application.

2.0 Major Ninth Plan initiatives undertaken were as follows :-

a) Provide expanded opportunities for post-graduate studies in enegineering/technology.

b) Significantly expand the intake capacity at under graduate level for engineering, architecture and pharmacy courses; at the post graduate level in management and computer application; and at the diploma level through Polytechnics, including both public and private sectors educational institutions.

c) Establish a Technological University for the state.

d) Provide operational autonomy to selected engineering colleges and polytechnics.

e) Improve the quality of academic services and facilities (with World Bank assistance) at forty polytechnics.

f) Strengthen the Board of Technical Education with World Bank assistance.

g) Improve the quality and relevance of technical education programmes and their delivery in all technical institutions through programmes for faculty and staff development, interaction with industry and curriculum development.

2. Ninth five Year Plan

2.1 The approved outlay for Ninth Plan ins Rs. 9061.00 lakh; The expenditure incurred in first four years in 1997-98 Rs. 2732.63 lakh 1998-99 Rs. 2334.60 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 2410.13 lakh and 2000-01 Rs. 2396.16.

2.2 The outlay approved for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 2533.65 lakh and expenditure of Rs. ---- is anticipated.

2.3 during Ninth Plan

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

Many of the objectives and targets set for the IX Plan have been achieved some of these schemes need to be continued to ensure deriving the desired results. This will form a part of the proposals for the X Plan. These schemes are:

a) Modernizing and removing obsolescence in the academic facilities of autonomous engineering colleges and polytechnics.

b) Modernizing learning facilities in government aided engineering colleges and polytechnics.

c) Establishing physical and learning facilities in newly started government polytechnics (6 women’s and 4 co-ed polytechnics).

d) Establishing new IT courses in 6 engineering colleges and 16 polytechnics.

e) Establishment and development of Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) - University of TEchnology of Madhya Pradesh.

f) Follow-up activity to ensure sustenance of benefits of the World Bank assisted Technician Education Project.

g) Counterpart funding for CRISP (Bhopal), IITM (Gwalior) and Mini Tool Rooms (CRISP, Bhopal, MITS, Gwalior and Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur).

3.1 The new initiatives proposed in the Xth Plan are :-

(a) Enhancing educational opportunities in selected high tech deciplines, and for women students.

(b) Encouraging R&D continuing education and training. Consultancy and other mutually beneifical activities with industry and community.

(c) Modernising the laboratories at the engg. colleges and polytechnics.

(d) Introducing ‘e’ learning, remedical learning and bridge, programmes to improve the quality and efficiency.

(e) Net working of institutions with the university and institutes of higher learning and research and provide unhindered access to information.

(f) To support technical education from its own sources, the fees of BE Degree Course has been and Rs. 5000 enhanced to Rs. 25500/- as per annum and Rs. 5000 per annum for Diploma Course for un reserved category students. This is limited to only autonomous and Grant in aid engg. colleges.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 12860 lakhs for Tenth Plan and Rs. 2534.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 are proposed.

    1. During Tenth Plan, establishment of 10 new polytechnics, maintenance replacement of obsolete equipments of 26 polytechnics, creating special facilities for disable persons coaching and book promotion to SC/ST students of polytechnics, estt. of 16 new co-ed polytechnics are proposed. Completion of infrastructure facility in 5 autonomous engg. colleges, Modernisation of laboratories in grant in aid engg. colleges, starting of IT relating programmes, providing financial support to R.G.V.P. Bhopal - core support to CRISP and IIITM - Gwalior is proposed.

13.5 Sports and Youth Welfare

The State Govt. created a separated Directorate for sports and youth welfare in 1975 with the aim of encouraging outstanding sports persons, supporting voluntary agencies, developing play grounds, stadiums, swimming pools, training of coaches and sport centres and centres of excellence.


2.0 Ninth Plan and Annual Plans

2.1 The approved outlay for Ninth Plan is Rs. 1986.00 lakh.

2.2 During the ninth plan period Grant-in-aid was proposed to be provided to all 40 state level, sport associations including M.P. Olympic Association and 646 registered sports clubs/Akhadas a State, Distt. Tahsil, Block and Panchayats levels similarly, grants in Aid will also be provided to sports authority of MP and Sports Council of MP for incentive to players Vikram/Aklaya/Vishwamitra Awards Pensive to Vetenan Sports personalities, Cost prizes to sportsmen senior/junior players, to Abhiyan (For adventure activities) Yuva Sandhi, SPBA centres, sports hostel will be continued.

2.3 Against the above approved outlay an expenditure of Rs. 177.29 lakh in 1997-98, Rs. 323.53 lakh in 1998-99, Rs. 385.40 lakh in 1999-2000 and Rs. 397.55 lakh during 2000-01 was incurred

2.4 For annual Plan 2001-02 an outlay of Rs. 600.00 lakh is approved against which an expenditure of Rs. 229.93 lakh is anticipated.

2.5 All the activities as proposed in Ninth Plan were continued. About 160 state level associations and other institution were provided grant in aid. Incentives were awarded to 203 players in 1997-98. Coaching was given to various players. Rural sports meet and women sports meet were organised grant was provided to new water sports yatching club Bhopal.

The Deptt also implemented centrally sponsored schemes viz. :- (i) construction of sports, Project Development Area. (ii) Developmen of Infrastructure (iii) Construction of sports hostel (iv) Grant in Aid to "Abhiyan" and "Yuva Sandhi".


3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07 and Annual Plan 2002-03

The normal activities as continued in Ninth Plan period are proposed to be continued in Xth Plan also. Since the scheme of Distt Planning has been introduced in Xth Plan the schemes have clearly been distributed as :-

(i) State Level Schemes

(ii) Schemes for both the State and Distt. Levels

(iii) Only for District.

(a) Schemes include namely (i) Grants to Sports Authority of M.P. (ii) Grant to SPDA Centres and (iii) Grant to Sports Hostel.

(b) The schemes which are implemented at Distt. & state level are -

Rural sports meet/tournaments women sports competition grant in Aid to State level Associations and other sports associations, incentive to players. Grant to Abhiyan and grant to Yuva Sandhi, development and improvement of basic sports infrastructure and integrated sports tournaments.

(c) Coaching of playing players is the only scheme which is implemented only at district level.

3.1  An outlay of Rs. 2750 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 500 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed. Of which for the Distt. Sector Plan an outlay of Rs. 950.90 lakh for Tenth Plan and 200.38 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is earmarked.

3.2 Coaching to some 1.50 lakh players 40,000 Rural Sports meet, and some 20,000 women players are proposed to participate in women sport meet during 10th plan. Similarly during Annual Plan 2002-03 20,000 players, are proposed to be given coaching, 5000 Rural sports meet would be organised and some 3000 women players would participate in women sports meet.


13.6 Art and Culture

The main objectives of the Deptt. of Art and Culture are (i) to preserve and conserve cultural traditions, (ii) to expand resource base and opportunities for the growth of arts, (iii) to preserve tribal folk culture (iv) to encourage and reorganise plastic and performing arts through education and training and (v) to provide special support for rare forms of art and culture. There are 3 Parishads (Councils) (a) Sahitya Parishad, (b) Kala Parishad and (c) Adivasi Lok, Kala Parishad, Kalidas Academy, Ustad Alauddin Khan Sangeet Academy, Sindhi Academy, Sanskrit Academy, Indira Kala Sangeet University, Khairagarh. An Advisory Board consisting of top ranking experts from various fields has been constituted to promote cultural activities in the state. Several honours and support programmes have been initiated to encourage artists.

(A) Language, Culture and Gazetieers

The Directorate of Official Language and Culture conducts schemes for promotion and preservation of Hindi literature, dialects, classical, urbane and folk arts etc. Many of these schemes are carried out by councils and academies registered under the Department of Culture. The Directorate also provides assistance to non-official institutions for promoting and expanding literary and cultural activities. The work of writing and publications of District Gazetteers is also done under the Directorate to provide authentic and complete information to planners, businessmen, researchers, the government staff and other interested persons.

(B) Archaeology Museum and Archives

Activities under Archaeology & Museum sector include archaeological survey of the state, excavation and preservation of protected monuments, establishment and maintenance of Museums for display of collected works. In the State Archives document sof historical importance are preserved. The present activities relate to preparing of memories of freedom fighters, surveying the records of the district, preserving document of historical importance in a scientific manner, organising exhibitions, providing research facilities to scholars. One of the important activities of the department is micro filming of old records for safe preservation.

2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

(A) Language Culture & Gazetear

2.1 An outlay of Rs. 1402.00 lakh has been approved. The expenditure in various years had been 1997-98 Rs. 390.30 lakh 1998-99 Rs. 386.31 lakh 1999-2000 Rs. 333.57 lakh, and 2000-01 Rs. 359.54 lakh.

2.2 The approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 375.00 lakh against which an expenditure of Rs. 322.32 lakh is anticipated.

2.3 The Gazetteers of 5 Distts. were prepared and their english translation was also done 4 Distt. Gazetteers figures were updated. Grant to various institutions for continuing activities for preservation, promotion and enrichment of literature and arts like Madhya Pradesh Kala Parishad. M.P. Adivasi Lok Kala Parishad, Kalidas Academy Tulsi Akademi, Sanskrit Akademi, Sindhi Akademi kul Hind Allamma Iqbal Adabi Marquaz. During Ninth Plan new function like "Khajuraho Sangeet Samaroh, Vindhya Utsava, etc. were organised, besides routine ten festivals, like Allauddin Khan Sangeet Samaroh, Nimar Utsava, Lokrang. Tansen Samaroh etc., were organised.

Fifteen National and three State level awards instituted to honour literateurs and great artists for their contribution were continued. Lecture series, symposia and seminars were organised to promote Sanskrit, Urdu, Sindhi, Marathi and Tulsi literature.

(B) Archaeology and Museums and Archives

A provision of Rs. 584.00 lakh is approved for the Ninth Plan. The expenditure incurred in first four years is Rs. 112.62, in 1997-98, Rs. 76.27 lakh in 1998-99, Rs. 118.95 lakh in 1999-2000 and Rs. 87.50 lakh in 2000-01. The approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 447.00 against which are expenditure of Rs. 347.00 lakh is anticipated.

Excavation and Survey of 74 Tahsils completed and 63 tahsils partially covered. 5 exploration works were done some 75 monuments are being conserved. Antiquities of 37 monuments and more than 5000 rare coins are being chemically treated being and conserved.

In the first 4 yrs. of 9th Plan 6 books were published and many catalogue and guide books have been published. In order to bring our heritage is common man, in the first 4 years 9928 plaster casts were made.

In addition, Mela, Festivals exhibitions, Resource Seminars - were organised.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

(A) Language and Gazetteers

(i) All the on-going programmes and activities are proposed to be continued in Tenth Plan.

(ii) Tribal folk arts facing extinction gold would be identified and art forms would be refined. Litterature and artists would be promoted and provided adequate forums to exibit their talent.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 2064.00 lakh for Tenth Five Year Plan and Rs. 409.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2001-02 are proposed.

(i) Grants as usual, would be released to various institutions, i.e. Nine Parishads/Akademies, which are functioning under the deptt. for promoting cultural activities.

(ii) Similarly 10 functions, would be organised every year, 18 literatures/artists would be honoured by various awards. Some new seats of learning (srijanpeeths) will be established.

(iii) Construction of Open Air Theatre at Ravindra Bhavan is proposed.

3.2 New Schemes

(i) Kala Choupal Yojna - Under this Scheme KalaChoupals are proposed to be established at Janpad level.

(ii) Exhibition cum Sale of Painting and Craft Item - Selected works of identified painters and craft persons will be marketed, through exhibition-cum-sale.

(B) Archaeology, Archieves and Museums

The ongoing activities and programmes of 9th Five Year Plan are proposed to be continued in the Tenth Plan.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 2275.00 lakh has been proposed for Tenth Plan and Rs. 492.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03.

3.2 Exploration and Survey - To Complete the Survey of 50 Tahsils and exploration of prospective sites is proposed.

Conservation work of - 99 chosen monuments out of total 283 monuments would be remains up further, 19 monuments will be chemically conserved and 5000 idols and coins will be chemically treated.

Museum - 12 main museums will be upgraded to attract more visitors, in addition regular maintenance of 23 monuments will be done.

Photographic cell and Publication cell - Graphic documentation of 15 monuments/museums will be done. And it is proposed to publish, guide books, catelogue of surveys, exploration reports and help authors to write about archaeology and related subjects.

New Schemes

1. Puratatva Karmi Yojna - Looking to the shortage of care takers, a new scheme is proposed. The "Puratatva Karmi would be given an honorarium of Rs. 2500/- p.m. for the work done.

2. To take advantage of various "Grants in aid - of Govt. of India, for conservation works, it is proposed to revive "Jila Puratatva Sanghs" in all the districts.


13.7 Public Health and Family Welfare


Improvement in the health status of the population has been one of the thrust areas in social development programmes of the state. The ultimate objective of health and family welfare activities in the state is to achieve the goal of "Health for All" as outlined in the National Health Policy which emphasized on implementation of primary health care approach.

In pursuit of this goal, multi-tier health and family welfare service delivery system has been established in the state consisting of sub-health centres, primary health centres, community health centres, civil hospitals, district hospitals and other special health care institutions.

In order to promote people’s participation in health and family welfare activities, community level volunteers such as traditional birth attendants, Jana Sawastha Rakshak has been identified and trained and their participation assured in health related activities. At present the state has vast health care delivery infrastructure comprising of :-

Sub Health Centres


Primary Health Centres


Community Health Centres


District Hospitals



Despite expansion in health infrastructure the State remained amongst the lowest ranked states of the country in terms of major health related indicators. The table below shows the comparative situation of Madhya Pradesh in relation all India status :-



Birth Rate

Death Rate

Infant Mortality Rate


All India


All India


All India































Source - Based on S.R.S. estimates

The above table shows that though the birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rate in the state have decreased in 1999 as compared to 1996 but when compared to all India figures, the picture remained to be grim.

Massive investment, therefore is required for expansion of health related infrastructure in the Tenth Five Plan.

Ninth Plan Progress

The primary focus of the Ninth Plan was to provide fully equipped and functional health care delivery institutions in all the blocks of the state. In this context necessary strengthening was to be done either at C.H.C. or P.H.C. levels.

The second focus was on extending the outreach of the health care delivery system by establishing sub-health centres in a manner as to achieve the population based norms as outlined in the National Health Policy.

The third focus was on strengthening the human resource development facilities by institutionalizing a human resource development plan in the health and family welfare service delivery system.

2.1  To achieve the strategies as mentioned above, the outlay approved for the Ninth Plan was Rs. 49353.00 lakh against which the expected expenditure is Rs. 47413.96 lakh.

Regarding physical performance, the table below presents a few important details :-





Ninth Plan




1 Establishment of new S.H.Cs No. 1600 632
2 Construction of buildings for SHCs No. 1595 11
3 Establishment of new C.H.Cs Nos. 201 148
4 Construction of old C.H.C. buildings No. 71 29
5 Establishment of 100 beded rural hospital No. 31 2
6 Establishment of fully equipped medical board No. 1 -
7 Creation of the post of nurses No. 3000 -
8 Establishment of Urban Health and Maternity Centre No. 240 -
9 Strengthening of blood bank in district hospitals No. 42 42
10 Establishment of burn units No. 4 -
11 Establishment of a centre for disease surveillance and communicable diseases No. 1 -
12 Creation of the post of laboratory technicians for malaria control No. 117 -
13 Honorarium to workers working under National Malaria Eradication Programmes No. 10000 -


Tenth Plan, 2002-2007 and the Annual Plan, 2002-2003

The following strategies have been envisaged in the Tenth Plan, besides, pursuing the strategies earmarked for the Ninth Plan :-

For implementing the strategies as mentioned above the approved outlay for the Tenth Plan and Annual Plan, 2002-2003 is Rs. 62410.00 lakh and Rs. 12298.00 lakh respectively.

The Government of Madhya Pradesh has prepared a comprehensive population policy to address the state specific issues and concerns of population stabilisation. This policy document spells out the mission, policy initiatives, appropriate strategic thrust areas, political commitment and other pragmatic efforts which are time bound. The Department of Public Health and Family Welfare envisages the following targets :-


The table below shows the required health infrastructure by the end of the Tenth Plan

Institutions As per norms Established upto Oct. 2001 Required by the end of Tenth Plan
Sub Health Centres 10524 8835 1689
Primary Health Centres 1691 1194 497
Community Health Centres 428 229 199
District Hospitals 45 36 9


13.8 Medical Education

Directorate of Medical Education as a separate department was established by the government to improve the quality and specialised medical care of the people of Madhya Pradesh and teaching standards in the Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh.

The department of Medical Education controls the following institution :-

(i) 5 Medical Colleges situated at Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior, Jabalpur and Rewa.

(ii) Dental College Indore.

(iii) Nursing College Indore.

(iv) Mansik Arogya shala Gwalior and Indore.

(v) Cancer Hospital at Indore and Jabalpur.

2.0 Targets and Achievements during 9th Plan

2.1 During 9th five year plan approved outlay for Directorate of Medical Education was Rs. 6826.00 lakh In the year 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 as against the outlay Rs. 1000.00 lakh, Rs. 5310.00 lakh, Rs. 4471.71 lakh and Rs. 1692.86 lakh an amount of Rs. 517.11 lakh, 2153.43 lakh, Rs. 4423.63 lakh and Rs. 1692.86 lakh was spent respectively.

2.2 for the year 2001-02 an outlay of Rs. 1207.00 lakh was provided. Against the outlay Rs. 1407.00 lakh is expected to be spent.

2.3 During 9th Five Year Plan construction of 800 bedded Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Building at Rewa has been completed by providing modern equipements by spending Rs. 6042.59 lakh. with the aid of OPEC. In Gandhi Medical college, Hamidia Hospital Bhopal a Cardiac Center for Open Heart surgery and Angiography was established on this project expenditure of Rs. 770.00 lakh was incurred Up gradation of Trumma Center at Gandhi Medical College Bhopal was accomplished by spending Rs. 58.95 lakh.

3.0 Proposals for 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003

3.1 Proposals for 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003.

3.2 The outlay proposed for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002.03 is Rs. 6125.00 lakh and Rs. 1171.00 lakh respectively.

3.3 On the basis of available financial resources, for the 10th plan period proposals incorporates mostly the provision of staff and operational facilities for newly constructed hospital at Rewa with an outlay of Rs. 500 lakh. Of which Rs. 200.00 lakh for fire fighting system work & Rs. 300 lakh for staff and operational facilities.

3.4 Important physical and financial aims for the 10th five year plan consist of construction of hostels in Jabalpur and Indore for Rs. 113.00 lakh and Rs. 50.00 lakh respectively and for drinking water facilities Rs. 87.91 lakh and electric work Rs. 25.26 lakh also includes. additional amount of Rs. 51.50 lakh for lifts at Indore Medical college and Rs. 17.54 lakh for installation of cobalt machine for which Government of India has sanctioned Rs. 1.50 crore will be needed. Thus an amount of Rs. 500.00 lakh has been proposed. Rs. 50.00 lakh for Regional Institute of Opthalmology at Bhopal during 10th five year plan is provided.

13.9 Food and Drug Control

The Food and Drug Administration is charged the vital responsibility of safeguarding the health and welfare of the community by ensuring the supply of quality drugs and preventing adultration of food articles.

2.0 Target and Achievement of 9th Plan

2.1 An outlay of Rs. 234.00 lakh was provided for the 9th plan period. Against the approved outlay an expenditure of Rs. 62.28 lakh Rs. 69.44 lakh, Rs. 68.44 lakh and Rs. 69.01 lakh was incurred in the year 1997-98, 1998-99,1999-2000 and 20000-2001 respectively. Rs. 55.00 lakh is anticipated expenditure in 2001-2002.

3.0 Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003

3.1  The proposed outlay for 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003 is Rs. 340.00 lakh and Rs. 68.00 lakh respectively

3.2  Under the prevention of food adultration activity 25000 samples are proposed to be collected during 10th five year plan and 5000 in the year of 2002-2003 Annual Plan.

3.3  Food and Drugs Administration as it has to deal with the manufacturers who adopt newer & newer technologies with the passage of time, training becomes an essential and important component, department has given an emphasis on the establishment of training cell under P.F.A., Rs. 5.00 lakh for this purpose has been proposed for 10th plan period.

3.4  In the 10th plan period it is proposed to increase the capacity of state drug testing laboratory from 2000 sample testing to 8000 drug samples every year.

3.5  For special drug tests new chemicals and equipements are essential in the background of rapidly changing technologies and variety of drugs. An amount of Rs. 10.00 lakh has been proposed for this purpose, so that quality of drugs can be maintained as per standards.

13.10 Indian System of Medicine And Homeopathy

Under the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy the following institutions are working in the state.






Ayurvedic college



Homeopathic and Unani College



Government Ayurvedic Pharmacy



Unani Pharmacy



Ayurvedic Dispensaries



Homeopathic Dispensaries



Unani Dispansaaries



Ayurvedic Hospitals



Homeopathic Hospitals


2.0 Targets and Achievement during 9th Plan

2.1 The approved outlay for the 9th five year plan period was Rs. 374.00 lakh at constant prices of 1996-97. Against the approved outlay an amount of Rs. 81.00 lakh. Rs. 627.01 lakh, Rs. 180.39 lakh, Rs. 244.72 lakh an amount of Rs. 176.81 lakh, 279.90 lakh, Rs. 136.06 lakh and Rs.178.16 lakh was spend in the year 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01.

2.2 In the year 2001-2002 an amount of Rs. 165.00 lakh is expected to be spent against the outlay of Rs. 202.40 lakh.

2.3 During 9th five year plan the Directorate spent amount mainly Pandit Khushilal Sharma Ayurevedic Mahavidhyalaya and Institute, strengthening of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic & Unani Hospitals and Dispensaries, research in Ayurvedic Colleges etc.


3.0 Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03


3.1 In the 10th Five Year Plan the Directorate propose to improve, upgradation Strengthening existing institution by providing sufficient staff furniture and equipments.

3.2 The proposed outlay for 1oth five year plan and Annual Plan 2002.03 is Rs. 1642.90 lakh and 278.50 lakh respectively.

3.3 During 10th plan period the directorate propose to strengthen 3 District office, Pandit Khushilal Sharma Ayurvedic Mahavidhyalay Institute, Postgraduate in 2 Ayurvedic College, establish 1 Unani Maha Vidyalaya. It is also Homeopathic dispensaries, strengthening of 1 Homeopathic college and Grant in Aid to 2 Homeopathic College/Parishad.




Introduction : Employees State Insurance (ESI) Scheme is implemented under the E.S.I. Act., 1948, to provide socio-economic security to employees of the organised sector. At present employees of establishments covered under the Scheme, drawing average monthly wages of upto Rs. 6,500/- p.m. are eligible for benefits under the Scheme. This is a contributory scheme, implemented through the E.S.I. Corporation, an organisation established by Govt. of India. The major source of funding is through the contribution made by the employees (1.75% of salary) and employers (4.75% of salary) as per the provisions of the Act. State Government also make a financial contribution to the Scheme. Of the benefits admissible to insured persons (IPs) under the scheme enumerated in para 2 below, the responsibility to provide the benefit concerning medical care has been entrusted to the State Government. For this, an agreement has been signed between the State Government and ESI Corporation. The expenditure on delivery of Medical Care is shared between E.S.I. Corporation and State Government in the ratio of 7/8 and 1/8 respectively within the prescribed ceiling per IP. Any expenditure over the above the ceiling on Medical Care has to be borne by the State Government.

When implemented in a new goegraphical area, total expenditure for the first three years is borne by the Corporation after which it is shared between the Corporation and the State in the above ratio (7:1).

Insured Persons’ population in M.P. as on 31.3.2001 was 1,96,500. Taking into account their family members, an estimated one million people are being provided medical care in the State under the Scheme.

2. Benefits under E.S.I. Scheme

Following benefits are available under the ESI Scheme to beneficiaries :

Title Type of Benefit
1. Medical Benefit Kind
2. Sickness Benefit Cash
3. Disablement Benefit Cash
4. Maternity Benefit Cash
5. Dependent Benefit Cash
6. Other Benefits :

a. Funeral Assistance


b. Artificial aids and appliances


c. Rehabilitation allowance


d. Occupational rehabilitation


Out of above, medical benefit is made available through Employees State Insurance Services by the State Government, while E.S.I. Corporation is responsible for providing rest of the benefits.

2.0  Ninth Five Year Plan and Annual Plans

2.1  The approved outlay for Ninth Plan is Rs. 350.00 lakh.

2.2  The expenditure in the first four years was Rs. 85.77 lakh, Rs. 111.72 lakh, Rs. 182.60 lakh and Rs. 189.83 lakh during 1997-98 to 2000-01.

2.3  The approved outlay for 2001-02 is Rs. 200.00 lakh and the entire amounts is expected to be utilised.

3.0  Goals, Stragey and Priorities for Tenth Plan

3.1 (i) To improve the standard of medical care and expand the facilities available in ESI institutions.

(ii) To expand the scheme to cover new areas having adequate IP population.

(iii) To improve the efficiency of expenditure on ESI Services, infteralia by switching over from "Service System" to "Panel System" in areas where IP population has fallen below a minimum thresh hold.

(iv) To give special attention to family welfare programmes.


3.2 Financial Outlay for Tenth Plan

An outlay of Rs. 1015 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 200.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

3.3 Important Physical and Financial Targets for Tenth Plan

(i) To continue Aids control programme originally started in Ninth Plan.

(ii) Certain schemes of Ninth Plan are proposed in the first year of Xth Plan. Accounts officer, 50 baded ESI Hospital of Dewas, Ambulance and staff to Dawas centre, additional 4 doctors dispensary at Mandideep, distt. Raisen and 25 bedded annex ward at Mandsaur.

(iii) Following new schemes are proposed to be started in the Tenth Plan. For first three years from their commencement, total expenditure on these shall be borne by ESI Corporation after 3 years expenditure on them shall be shared subject to prescribed ceiling between ESI Corporation and State Govt. in the ratio 7:1.

a. 5 Doctor dispensary in Pithampur sector 3-4 distt. Dhar.

b. 2 Doctor dispensary at Birgod, distt. Dewas.

c. Outdoor treatment services through panel system in Manglia distt. Indore, Makshi, distt Shajapur Pilookhedi distt. Rajgarh, Beora distt. Rajgarh.

d. Provision of medical care facilities to 1200 insured persons at Richhai, distt. Jabalpur through existing ESI dispensaries.

e. Modernisation and upgradation of ESI facilities at the following 3 incedential growth centres Pithampur 1, 2 Malanpur and Mandideep.


13.12 Water Supply, Sewerage and Sanitation

Consequent upon the division of the state in Nov. 2000, Madhya Pradesh with a geographical area of 308245 Sq.Km., has become second largest state constituting 9.38 percent of the total geographical area of the country. The population of the state according to census 2001 is 60385118 which is 5.87 per cent of the country’s total population. Out of the total population, the urban and rural population is 16102590 and 44282528 respectively. The state, according to census 2001 has 52145 inhabited villages and 394 cities/towns.

The decadal growth rate of population for the decade 1991-2001 is 24.34 per cent which is more than the national average of 21.34 per cent. It is interesting to note that compared to the result of 1901 census, the population has increased by 376 per cent in the year 2001 with similar increase in density from 41 persons per in 1901 to 196 persons per in 2001. This phenomenal increase in population underlines the point that the water supply system designed in sixties is no longer viable. The industrialisation of the state has further intensified the water demand. The programme to augment the water supply system has, therefore, to be stepped-up considerably.

Ninth Plan Progress

The objectives envisaged for the Ninth Plan were :-

Rural Water Supply



Urban Water Supply


To achieve the objectives as stated above, the agreed outlay for the Ninth Plan was Rs. 72497.00 lakh against which the expected expenditure is Rs. 65566.61 lakh.

The table below shows the physical achievements during Ninth Plan period :-


S. No.



Ninth Plan




1 Water supply arrangements in not covered (N.C.) habitation No. 18084 14180
2 Water supply arrangements in partically covered (P.C.) habitation No. 35417 41657
3 Water supply in rural schools No. 9459 7658
4 Piped water supply in bigger villages No. 750 613
5 Urban water supply in major towns No. 48 17
6 Sewerage schemes No. 02 work in progress (on going)


Presently, there are 402 habitations which do not have any safe source of water supply and are in the category of Not Covered (N.C.) habitations. It has been targeted to cover all these remaining habitations with at least one source of safe drinking water by June 2002. Similarly there are 7741. Partially covered (P.C.) habitations which are also targeted to be fully covered by June 2002.

Tenth Plan, 2002-2007 and Annual Plan, 2002-2003

The strategies envisaged for the Tenth Plan are :-

For implementing the objectives as mentioned above the outlays proposed for the Tenth Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003 are Rs. 89425.00 Lakh and Rs. 17885.00 lakh respectively.

13.13 Madhya Pradesh Housing Board

The M.P. Housing Board is executing and implementing various housing schemes in the State with the help of financial institutions like HUDCO, HDFC, LIC and National Housing Bank for providing residential accommodation/housing plots at reasonable rates to the economically weaker sections of the Society. Nearly 70 per cent of the total cost of the scheme is provided by these institutions in the form of loans. The M.P. Housing Board utilises its own resources and budgetary support fo fund the remaining 30 percent margin money for the execution of the housing schemes. The Housing Board is also mobilizing deposits from the public under self-financing schemes.

2. Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002

2.1 The Ninth Plan approved outlay is Rs. 121930.00 lakh.

2.2 The physical targets proposed for 9th Plan are as under :-

(i) Construction of Houses 45000 Nos.

(ii) Development of Plots 108000 Nos.

2.3 The expenditure during the first four years 1997-98 to 2000-01 was Rs. 7908.67 lakh, 10258.30 lakh, 14478.80 lakh and Rs. 22011.00 lakh respectively. During this period some 16549 houses were constructed 28585 plots were developed.

2.4 The approved outlay for Annual Plan 2002-02 is Rs. 13114.00 lakh which is expected to be utilised by the year end. Some 4000 houses and 5850 plots of various types are proposed to be developed.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07 and Annual Plan 2002-03

The approach and strategy, as adopted in Ninth Plan will continue in Tenth Plan period also i.e. the Board will continue its activities through borrowings from various financial institutions and generating its own resources.

3.1 The proposed outlay for Tenth Plan 2002-07 is Rs. 66551.00 lakh and for Annual Plan 2002-03 is Rs. 13114.00 lakh.

3.2 The Board has proposed a target of construction of 27500 houses and 37400 plots of various categories during tenth plan 2002-07.

3.3 Similarly during Annual Plan 2002-03 some 4500 houses are proposed to be constructed and 6400 plots of various categories, will be developed.

13.14 Police Housing

The M.P. Police Housing Corporation Ltd. was set up in 1981. The objective is to make concerted efforts for constructing houses at a very fast pace, since it was felt that the existing Agencies were not able to cope with the task. The M.P. Police Housing Corporation has at present 5 Zonal divisions operating from headquarters at Bhopal, Jabalpur, Indore, Raipur and Gwalior with a capacity to take up construction of 2000 to 2500 quarters worth Rs. 40 to 50 crores every year. So far 12209 houses have been constructed by Police Housing Corporation.

At present about 70 thousand Police Personnel in the ranks of Constables, Head constable, Assistant Sub-Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors are entitled for rent free accomodation, per their service conditions. The number of houses available to them, at present, are 30000 only, leaving a gap of about 40 thousand, housing units.

2.0 Approved outlay for Ninth Plan was Rs. 9079.00 lakh. Against the target of 4000 houses some 2014 houses were constructed.

2.1 The actual expenditure during 1997-98 1158 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 800.00 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 1510 lakh 2000-01 Rs. 1060.66 lakh.

2.2 The outlay approved for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 888.00 lakh, against which an expenditure of Rs. 1829.00 lakh is expected.


3.0 Tenth Plan 2002-07 and Annual Plan 2002-03

The activities taken up during the Ninth Plan period will be continued.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 9079 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 1544.74 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

3.2 With the above proposed outlay some 4000 quarters are proposed to be constructed during 10th Plan and 1200 quarters in 2002-03.

13.15 Rental Housing

Under this head provision is made for construction of Residential houses for Govt. employees by Housing and Environment Deptt. The houses are allotted to the Officers/Officials at subsidized rent.

2.0 Ninth Plan

2.1 Approved outlay for Ninth Plan is Rs. 1467.00 lakh. During 1997-98 an expenditure of Rs. 461.62 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 69.97 lakh. 1999-2000 Rs. 40.05 lakh and 2000-01 Rs. 73.77 lakh was incurred.

2.2 Outlay approved for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 73.40 lakh. An expenditure of Rs. 17.23 lakh is expected.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

The same activity of construction of houses for Govt. officers/employees would be continued.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 370.00 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 73.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.



Urban Admn. and Dev Deptt. mainly provides financial assistance for civic amenities and facilities to urban citizens such as water supply roads and drains. Street lighting sanitation conservancy and arrangements for disposal of sewage, preventation of epedemics etc. State Govt. provide grant in aid and loans upto 70% of estimated cost and remaining 30% is contributed by local bodies. There are 14 Municipal Corp., 86 Municipalities and 234 Nagar Panchayats in the State.

2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

2.1 The programmes and schemes - under taken are :-

(i) Construction and Development works

(ii) Fire fighting and their equipment

(iii) Group Insurance scheme for sweepers working in ULB’s

(iv) Finance Commns Grants.

2.2 An outlay of Rs. 260953.00 lakh was approved for Ninth Five Year Plan. The year wise expenditure was 1997-98 Rs. 1711.84, 1998-99 Rs. 1079.00 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 4566.64 lakh, 2000-01 Rs. 2456.45 lakh.

2.3 The outlay approved for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 4674.22 lakh. The expenditure of Rs. 4963.49 lakh is anticipated.

2.4 Some 20,000 S.C. persons were covered under group Insurance scheme 214 persons were trained.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

The programmes as continuing in NinthPlan would be continued in Tenth Plan. As "Simnastha Fair" will be held in Ujjain in 2004, a new item of "Development work" is proposed.

3.1 For the Tenth Plan an outlay of Rs. 29430.60 lakh is proposed. An outlay of Rs. 14548.00 lakh is proposed.

3.2 In Tenth Plan some 20,000 S.C. persons are proposed to be covered under group insurance programme of which 6000 would be women workers 176 fire fighters are proposed to be provided to various local bodies. Some 1665 persons are proposed to be trained.


13.17 Urban Development (Town & Country Planning)

Town & Country Planning activities are carried out by the Directorate of Town & Country Planning, M.P., under the various provisions made in M.P. Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973. There is a continuous increase in the urban population of the State which has necessitated investment to develop needed physical infrastructure for economic activities in urban, semi-urban areas. The influx of large groups of people from rural areas to urban areas results in creation of slums with intolerable living conditions, and squatting on public land and constructing un-authorised hutments becomes rampant. Such urban centres necessarily have poor sanitation which is a danger to the physical, mental and social well-being of the population. Therefore, development Plans are prepared for town and cities having high growth rates, place of tourist and religious interest and the special areas where there is a need for channelising urban growth. The Town & Country Planning Department is doing this work through City Development Authorities, Special Area Development Authorities and Local Bodies.


2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002

The approved outlay for the Ninth Five Year Plan is Rs. 1869.00 lakh.

2.1 The prime objective is to implement the recommendation of the National Commission on urbanization and to ensure balanced urban and regional growth and sustainable development.

2.2 Against the approved outlay the expenditure in 1997-98 Rs. 308.36 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 200.81 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 270.37 lakh, 2000-01 Rs. 149.21 lakh.

2.3 For Annual Plan 2001-02 approved outlay Rs. 248.20 lakh, an expenditure of Rs. 248.20 lakh is expected.


3.0 Physical achievements in 9th Plan

(i) Town Development Plan of 16 towns were prepared and published.

(ii) Approved Development Plans of 15 towns were published.

(iii) Under the Integrated Development Plans of Small and Medium towns amount for 26 towns was released. Grant ot 6 towns was released.

Project reports of 3 towns have been sent to Govt. of India for consideration.


4.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

4.1 Objectives and Strategy

(i) Planned Development of towns.

(ii) Review Evaluation and Modification of those development Plans which have crossed plan limits.

(iii) Preparation of Regional Dev. Plans.

(iv) Upgradation of infrastructure through IDST.

(v) Control of unauthorised development through Dev. Plans.

(vi) Preparation and development plans of towns having population 50,000 and more.

4.2 Financial Outlay

An outlay of Rs. 1259.00 lakh is proposed for Tenth Plan and Rs. 248.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03.

4.3 (i) Preparation of development plan, review and modification of dev. plan for 50 towns in Tenth Plan and 15 towns in Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

(ii) Preparation of Regional Plans of 8 regions in Tenth Plan and 3 regions in Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

(iii) Under IDSHT Plan grant is proposed to be released to 40 towns inTenth Plan and 25 towns in Annual Plans.



In 1983 the Directorate of Urban Projects was established for monitoring, supervision, review and management of the MP Urban Development Project Phase-I and preparation of the proposed MP Development Phase-II.

These projects were implemented in ten towns, of MP at first with the financial assistance of World Bank and HUDCO. At present the repayment of the fund obtained from World Bank is under process.

2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

2.1 An outlay of Rs. 935.00 lakh was approved for Ninth Plan. An expenditure of Rs. 483.83 lakh is expected by the end of Ninth Plan. The expenditure incurred in various years was 1997-98 Rs. 100.00 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 107.51 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 117.60 lakh and 2000-01 Rs. 73.40 lakh.

2.2 Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 60.40 lakh which would be fully utilized.

2.3 During Ninth Plan, schemes like slum up gradation to provide basic facilities in slum area, Grant for Urban Development to concerned Local bodies, training and studies were implemented. The plan implementation period is already over, at present repayment of funds received from World Bank is under process.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 183.40 lakh has been proposed for Tenth Plan and Rs. 90.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03.

3.2 During the Plan :-

(i) Grant to MP Housing Board for implementing the scheme for Slum Area.

(ii) Grant ot MP Housing Board, on loan received under the technical servance of World Bank Projects would be given.


13.19 Urban Welfare


The State Govt. had set-up the Urban Welfare Deptt. in May, 1984 for improving the socio-economic conditions in the urban slums/hutments. This department takes up various schemes such as environmental improvement of urban slums under the minimum need programmes, employment-generating programmes for urban unemployed, STEP-UP scheme in the urban areas, settlement of landless persons under the site-and-service programme, fencing of Govt. open land, group insurance scheme, building of shelters for the houseless etc.

With the assistance from Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India, and UNICEF, a scheme to provide Urban Basic Service for the poor was started in some of the bigger cities. Indore Habitat Improvement Project has been implemented for improving the living conditions of slum dwellers of Indore city, with the assistance from Overseas Development Agency. Nehru-Rojgar Yojna, a centrally sponsored scheme is also being implemented for training small entrepreneurs for establishment of small enterprises in urban areas.


2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002

2.1 The approved outlay is Rs. 18130.00 lakh for Ninth Five Year Plan.

2.2 The expenditure incurred in various years had been 1997-98 Rs. 3668.12 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 2415.96 lakh 1999-2000 Rs. 2537.99 lakh, 2000-01 Rs. 3618.05 lakh.

2.3 For Annual Plan 2001-02 an outlay of Rs. 2510.30 lakh has been approved an expenditure of Rs. 2495.25 lakh is anticipated.

2.4 (i) During Ninth Plan period, remaining payment of "Indore Habitat Project" (ODA) were made.

(ii) SJSRY :- This is centrally sponsored scheme, combining NRY, PMI, UPEP and UBSP being implemented. With effect from 1.12.99 the scheme is for urban poor below poverty line, for their self employment and is funded by G.O.I. with 75% asistance and state share 25%. During the first 4 years some 65574 beneifciaries of which 10,542 were SC and 279 ST rest were of general category were covered Rs. 22.49 lakh man days employment was generated.

(iii) Jhuggi Mukta Awas Yukta Yojna :- M.P. Slum Clearance Board constructed some 1012 Rest Houses for slum dwellers. The scheme is closed at the end of 9th Plan.

(iv) Group Insurance :- Some 4.56 lakh beneficiaries were covered under this scheme upto Ninth Plan.

(v) EIUS :- Some 11927 urban poor living in slum areas were benefitted with basic living facilities like approach roads, sewage, drinking water, public toilets, electric supply etc.

(vi) Resettlement of Slums :- This scheme is being implemented at Bhopal only Under this, jhuggis of Om Nagar, Abbas Nagar, New Vidhan Sabha Campus have been resettled at Gondermau, Akbarpur, etc. Some 7560 jhuggi dwellers were resettled.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

During Tenth Five Year Plan, the above programmes viz. SJSRY, Group Insurance Scheme, EIUS, Resettlement of Slums and Compensation for 15% land to be reserved by co-operative Housing Societies for urban poor would be taken up.


3.1 An outlay of Rs. 4880.00 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 976.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 has been proposed.

3.2 SJSRY - During 10th Plan Rs. 2161.00 lakh will be state share for matching central share of Rs. 6480 lakh expected to be received from G.O.I. This will be utilised by DUDA some 69105 persons of General Category, 2835 each from SC and ST categories are proposed to be benefitted. In addition 46.70 lakh mandays employment to urban labour will be generated. EIUS - Some 91655 beneficiaries will get the civic amenities @ Rs. 800/- per capita. Resettlements of Slums - During 10th Plan 2400 families are proposed to be resettled in better and suitable areas.

Compensation for 15% - Land to be reserved :- It is proposed to take 751.64 Acre of land in possession from Co-operative Housing Societies and some 72774 persons would be allotted the land @ 450 Sq.ft. land per capita, after payment of compensation.


13.20 State Capital Project


Capital Project Admn. was formed in 1960, for taking up various construction works in new Bhopal for giving the state capital a planned and sustained development various works under taken are construction of MLA’s house. T.T. Nagar and other residential buildings for Ministers employees/officers, good roads well equipped hospitals, parks, etc.


2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

2.1 The approved outlay for Ninth Plan is Rs. 4673.00 lakh.

2.2 The expenditure incurred in first four years 1997-98 Rs. 1685.93 lakh 1998-99 Rs. 1294.11 lakh, 1999-2000 Rs. 1478.19 lakh 2000-01 Rs. 1041.56 lakh.

2.3 Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 1021.50 lakh. An expenditure of Rs. 1041.58 is anticipated.

2.4 During Ninth Plan construction works of 3 main roads, Bhopal Bye pass road, single lane to double, lane widening of approach road from Chetak Bridge to BHEL, 2nd lane of main road No. 2 from Panchsheel Nagar to Bhadbhada. Courhaha were undertaken.

Residential Building - 300 `H’ and 424 "I" type quarters 24 suits family blocks for MLA’s were constructed.

Non Residential Building - New Vidhan Sabha Bhavan, Fire Station at Vindhyachal Bhavan, Priyadarshini Park, Ekanta Park, 60 Garages of MLA Rest House were constructed.

3.0 Tenth Plan

During Tenth Plan period construction works roads and bridges, residential buildings, non residential buildings and other minor construction works are proposed to be under taken.


3.1 An outlay of Rs. 6890.00 lakh for Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07. For Annual Plan 2002-03 an outlay Rs. 1378.00 lakh is proposed.

3.2 Programmes proposed in Tenth Plan :- Roads and Bridges - (i) construction of Road Shahpura Bawadiya kalan (Phase-II) (ii) Widening of road from 1100 quarter to Manisha Market, Widening of road - link road No. 1 & 2, road from old central jail to police control room. Construction of Higher Level bridge near Bhadbhada. Spill Channel at Bhopal and other various other construction and widening works. Residnetial building -100 each of E "H" and "I" type quarters at Shahpura Bawadiya Kalan, 25 Minister’s, Bungalows, construction of 4 F, 64 G, 96 H and 64 I type quarters.

Non residential buidlings - 30 beded hospital at 1100 quarters, 200 beded hospital with staff quarters at Shahpura Bawadiya Kalan and other residential Buildings.


13.21 Gwalior Counter Magnet Project

Gwalior, situated at 317 km South of National Capital Delhi, is the counter magnet area, to the National Capital. The total population of Gwalior, Bhind, Morena, Datia and Shivpuri works out to 72.72 lakh as per 2001 census which is 12.05% of the total population of the State. The total urban population of Gwalior is 42.41% of the total urban population as per 1991 census. Although Gwalior is directly connected by rail and road with Delhi, Rajasthan and UP which adjoins the North West and North Eastern boundaries respectively it retains its identity as an independent region.


In view of above fact, a development strategy has been envisaged to mobilize the financial resources available through the various agencies i.e. Central Govt. State Govt. and other financial institutions, and channelise them by planned distribution at Regional urban and rural growth intake points.


2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

2.1 The approved outlay for the Ninth Five Year Plan is Rs. 47 lakh.

2.2 However no expenditure has been incurred during first four years i.e. 1997-98 2000-01 Although an amount of Rs. 10.74 crores has been released to SADA in 2000-01.

2.3 Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 10.00 lakh and it would be fully utilized.

2.4 During Ninth Plan period the SADA has completed the physical survey work of about 30,000 hectares of land, within the special area limit and also have prepared, the development plan for SADA area. The said development plan is approved and, enforced by State Govt. to implement it during the coming plan period.

3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

An outlay of Rs. 51.00 lakh has been approved, as a contribution from State Govt. For Annual Plan 2002-03 an outlay of Rs. 10.00 lakh is proposed.

3.1 During Tenth Plan, certain development works, like construction of major roads, water purification unit and distribution line, sanitation pipe line and treatment plan, Road electrification, construction of schools, hospitals community facilities etc. are proposed.


13.22 Information and Publicity


The Public Relations Department is primarily responsible for disseminating information pertaining to welfare and development works carried out by the government. The department also provides various facilities to media persons besides information through handouts, visuals and photographs. It also maintains references and brings out publications. For this, the department has different sections viz. Field Publicity, News, Photography, Publication, Film etc.

Another important responsibility of the department is to provide the feedback to the government. The department has its offices at all 45 district headquarters and information centres in New Delhi and Mumbai besides the Directorate at Bhopal.

The activities of the department have increased manifold following recent boom of electronic media and Information Technology. The department is faced with a challenge to keep pace with the fast advancing communication technology to discharge more effectively its duty of disseminating information and to keep abreast of the goings-on.


2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

Approved outlay for Ninth Plan is Rs. 234.00 lakh. The expenditure incurred during 1997-98, Rs. 196.39 lakh, 1998-99 Rs. 38.16 lakh 1999-2000 Rs. 12.70 lakh, 2000-01 Rs. 10.27 lakh.

2.1 For the Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 58.88 lakh against which an expenditure Rs. 40.00 lakh is expected.

2.2 During the Ninth Plan physical achievements, in various fields are as under:-

Physical Achievements 



Year News Items Visual Coverage Photos Reference Articles Success Stories

































5. Organised exhibitions on the success stories of Gram Sampark Abhiyan at 459 blocks.

6. 3371 TV news capsules prepared to highlight welfare programmes & schemes.

7. Folders, booklets etc. printed for distribution.


3.0 Tenth Five Year Plan

The activities as taken up in IXth Plan period would be continued in Xth plan. Some important programmes which are proposed to be taken up are :-

(i) Scanner for 5 Division's. It is proposed to provide a scanner to the Divisional offices at Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Gwalior & Rewa

(ii) Updating and maintenance of website.

(iii) Computer system for officers of News Section.

(iv) Computerisation of field publicity administration, publication and scrutiny section.

(v) Purchase of Vedio Cameras and purchase of still digital camera.

(vi) Film production.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 299.00 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 121.50 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed. No new scheme or programme is proposed.

3.2 During Tenth Plan, 5 scanners for five Division Head quarters, 20 computers would be provided to officers of News Section, Video Cameras for CM’s Press Cell, Raj Bhavan and 5 divisional headquarters and Digital Cameras are proposed to be purchased. Publication of M.P. Reference Book and "Aage Ayen, Lab-U-Thayen" is proposed.


13.23 Welfare of Scheduled Castes


As per the 1991 Census the total population of Scheduled Castes in M.P. is 74.78 lakhs which constitutes 15.40% of the total population 485.66 of the re-organized sate. Out of 45 districts of the state, there are 29 districts are dominated by Scheduled Castes population.

The problems faced by the Scheduled Castes are manifold and complicated nature. They are not economically backward but also socially discriminated low literacy, economic backwardness, poor living conditions, occupational problems, untouchability and atrocities etc. The Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes is mainly concerned not only with human resource development through education training etc, but also in every sector thorugh various development departments. In order to promote literacy the department is also entrusted with responsibility of creating eductional facilities and providing scholarship to students of denotified tribes/castes and those engaged in inclean occupation. Other activities of the department include training and rehabilitation of the persons engaged in un clean occupations, apart from mass-marriages and inter-caste marriages on the economic front assistance is provided to MP Anusuchit Jati Vitta Avam Vikas Nigam for promoting self employment among SC population. With the introduction of Scheduled Castes special component plan, every development department is supposed to allocate about 14% funds of their total State Plan Budget for the welfare of Scheduled Castes. Some of special and selective programmes mostly of supplimental nature are being implemented by the Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes to Strengthen the efforts of the general development departments.

Implementing schemes by the Department can be classified as under :-

a. Educational Schemes

b. Economic Development schemes

c. Social Empowerment schemes

2.0 Targets and Achievement of 9th Plan

2.1 An outlay of Rs. 139.61 crore was provided for the 9th plan period. During 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 as against the plan provisions an amount of Rs. 86.56 crore, Rs. 69.10 crore, 72.84 crore, 95.43 crore was spent respectively.

2.2 In the year of 2001-02 against the approved outlay of Rs. 89.42 crores, anticipated expenditure is Rs. 89.42 crores.

2.3 The actual achievements is indicative of the benefits flowing tot he weaker section of the population belonging to this sector. During 9th Plan period the pre-metric scholarship was distributed to 1.65 lakh students whose parents are engaged in un-clean occupation. 8.50 lakh uniforms were distributed to SC girls and 410 buildings were constructed for Hostels and Ashrams. Maintenance work was done in 474 Ashram Schools. Under the Secondary Education the department has distributed state scholarship to 2.32 lakh, post-metric scholarship to 2.11 lakh, state scholarship (Vimukta Jaties) to 0.87 lakh and Merit Scholarship to 825 students belogning to the Scheduled Castes.

During the 9th Plan Period the Department has provided assistance to 252 couples in Mass Marriage Scheme and 511 Couples in scheme to promote Inter-Castes Marriage. Local Dais were given incentives in 30300 cases. Under SC/ST P.A. Act 3522 beneficiaries were assisted during the 9th Plan Period.

3.0 Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003.

3.1 The total outlay proposed for school education and other welfare activities in the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03 is fixed as Rs. 484.24 crore and Rs. 95.42 crore respectively.

3.2 During the 10th plan period it is targetted to distribute Post Matric Scholarships to 3.25 lakh and State Pre-Metric Scholarships to 28.50 lakh SC students. To supply the books for PET/PMT, 20,000 books are to be purchased during 10th plan period. Under the SC/ST P.A. Act 5500 beneficiaries are estimated to provide assistance. Construction of 400 Hostels and Ashrams buildings are proposed during the 10th plan period. 84 Ashram’s maintenance work for SC sector and 53 Hostels and Ashram maintenance work is proposed for De-notified tribes/castes sector. Grant in aid is proposed to be given to 16 NGO’s, reimbursement of Board Examination fees facilities will be provided for 3.25 lakh students and this facility for 2.00 lakh PET/PMT candidates is proposed 270 GramPanchayats are proposed to give prize for removal of un-touchability by best activities. 2600 SC colonies development is proposed during 10th plan. To attend the delivery cases of SC women incentive to 32000 local dais is provided. 2 buildings for training centres will also be constructed. 8.00 lakh SC girls will be benefitted under the scheme of free supply of uniforms. In addition to this 3.00 lakh students will be distributed Pre-metric scholarship whose parents are engaged in un-clean occupation.



Madhya Pradesh has a sizable scheduled tribe population. According to census 1991 the total population of Madhya Pradesh is 4.85 crore, of which the tribal population constitutes about 96.82 lakh, which is 19.93% of the total population. It has a wide variety of tribal communities and their ethnicity. Among these, Bharia, Saheria and Baigas have been declared as the primitive tribes who have a special status in terms of providing special financial and material assistance to ameliorate their socio-economic conditions.

Development with social justice calls for special attention for such vulnarable section of population, majority of which are below the poverty line. Therefore two pronged strategy : firstly, through sectoral programmes and secondly, through the programmes of the Department of Welfare of Scheduled Tribes have been adopted for upliftment of tribal population. For taking-up various area specific and beneficiary oriented projects/programmes the department has identified 31 ITDP, 50 MADA and 6 clusters having concentration of tribal population.

2.0 Targets and Achievements during 9th Plan

2.1 The outlay proposed during 9th Five Year Plan was Rs. 595.47 crore (inclusive of ST education & programmes) at constant prices of 1996-97. During 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 as against the plan provision an amount of Rs. 218.53 crore, 252.45 crore, 312.80 crore and 217.71 crore, was spent respectively.

2.2 As against the outlay of Annual Plan 2001-02 Rs. 209.08 crore, an expenditure of Rs. 208.62 crore is anticipated.

2.3 Under the poverty alleviation programmes in the tribal areas, the major thrust has been to provide financial assistance for self employment. Financial assistance is also given for upgrading their traditional skills and for setting up small units in trading and servicing. The department is providing soft loans to tribal families through Bank Credit and Subsidies. M.P. Tribal Finance and Development Corporation acts as a nodal agency for the implementation of these schemes. 25295 families have been assisted by MPTFDC in the 9th plan period. The Department is also providing for training to the tribal youths through Training-Cum-Production Centre to upgrade their skills and enhance their employability.

2.4 Universilization of primary education in the tribal areas, the major thrust of the department had been to achieve cent-percent enrolment of tribal children in the school going age-group (6-11 years). To achieve this objective, 2601 junior primary schools were to be upgraded, 1515 middle schools and 160 Higher Secondary Schools were to be opened. As against this 680 junior primary schools and 551 primary schools have been up graded into the middle schools. Also 1213 new middle schools have been opened in the tribal areas. In addition 391 middle schools were upgraded into the high schools and 215 high schools were upgraded into the higher secondary schools. In addition 2 middle schools were opened and 16 new high school buildings were constructed. Under the scheme of free supply of text books to the student of class I to V 8.67 lakh students were given the benefit against a target of 8.00 lakh students. During the 9th Plan 750 Ashram Schools were also opened in tribal areas. Under the scheme of free supply of uniform to the girls students of class I & II, 70736 student were benefitted.

3.0 Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 The thrust areas evisaged by the Department during 10th Plan as enumerated below :-

3.2 To achieve the objectives of tribal education & programme an outlay of 1196.90 crore and 239.38 crore is proposed for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03 respectively

3.3 The Department propose to benefit 15.38 lakh girls students of standard III to V and 22.12 lakh boys and girls students of VI to X class under the scheme of state scholarship during the 10th Plan Period. To encourage meritorious ST students and set example before other students 5030 students are targatted to give Merit Scholaship. 104 Ashram School building 44 High/Higher Secondary School buildings and 93 Pre-metric Hostels building are proposed to be constructed during 10th Plan period.


13.25 Welfare of Backward Classes

Minority Welfare

The Directorate of Backward classes welfare was established in the year 1982. The State Govt. vide its notification dated 8.2.1985 declared nearly 182 castes/groups as belonging to backward classes in the un-divided Madhya Pradesh. The castewise population figures of Backward Classes are not collected under the census. However the State Backward Classes Commission has estimated their population to be 2,43,44,848. This population constitutes about 50.25 percent of state’s total population. The occupational distribution of the population of Backward Classes indicates that the largest occupational group falls under the category of agriculturists, and agricultural labourers. Other larger groups are those who are engaged in rearing of milk animals and working as horticulturists, fisherman, barbers, blacksmiths, laundry workers, carpentors, weavers, dyers and cloth printers etc. The community/Groups/Castes belonging to Backward Classes are in general educationally, economically and socially backward. For bringing them at par with the general masses, serious and effective efforts have been made in successive annual plans.

2.0 Targets and Achievement during 9th Plan period

2.1 The major thrust of the programmes/schemes being implemented by the Department of Backward Classes and Minority Welfare is on Human Resources Development through education and training. The stratagy for development also includes economic programmes for the well being of backward classes. During 9th plan period three new schemes were introduced in favour of the Backward classes viz. Merit scholarship, Community Marriages and Grant-in-aid to Non-Governmental Organisations for removing social evils etc.

2.2 The outlay approved for Welfare of Backward classes during 9th plan was Rs. 33.49 crore. Against the approved outlay expenditure was in the year 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-01 and 2001-02 was Rs. 26.36 crore, Rs. 27.68 crore, Rs. 23.67 crore, Rs. 24.14 crore and Rs. 24.32 crore respectively.

2.3 During the 9th plan period prematric scholarship was distributed to 5.41 lakh students as against the target of 5.24 lakh. Likewise Postmetric scholarship was distributed to 1.30 lakh students as against the target of 1.25 lakh. During the 9th plan period pre-examination training centres for state level competetive exams were run and 402 students were benefitted with this facility. During 9th Five Year Plan M.P. Phichhra Varg Vitta Avam Vikas Nigam has provided loan for self employment to 3996 persons of Backward Classes and 1878 persons of minorities. One hostel at Khargone of premetric level for Banjara caste with the capicity of 50 students was started which benefitted 250 Banjara students during 9th Plan period.

3.0 Proposals for the 10th Plan & Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 Strategy for the 10th plan is as follows :-

3.2 The outlay proposed for the 10th plan period is Rs. 17822.45 lakh and Rs. 2811.03 lakh for the Annual Plan 2002-03. During 10th Plan emphasis is to be given for education, social and economic upliftment in order to improve the quality of life of the Backward Classes and Minority.

3.3 During the 10th plan period pre-matric and post-matric scholarship will be distributed to 6.90 lakh and 1.65 lakh students respectively. 2000 community marriages are to be assisted during 10th plan period. 1700 students are to be benefitted under PMT, PET & PAT Coaching Scheme during 10th plan period. Under the scheme of students welfare 2442 students are to be given economic assistance. 105 Chhatragrihas are proposed to be started during 10th plan period. 8 new hostels at Divisional level are proposed to be opened with the capacity of 100 seat each in the 10th Five Year Plan.

3.4 Madhya Pradesh Pichhra Varg Vitta Avam Vikas Nigam has aimed to provide loan to 11670 persons of Backward Classes and 6168 persons belonging to minorities for their economic development.


13.26 Labour Welfare


The basic objective of the labour Commissioner's office is to implement all the schemes relating to welfare and rehabilitation of both organised and un-organised labour. The State Govt. with the Central Govt. share responsibility regarding protection and welfare of labour. Through enforcement of labour laws, state government provide social security and a healthy and safe work environment to the labour, which is necessary for their security, productivity and a decent standard of living as envisaged in the constitution. The organisation is also responsible for administration of the provisions of various acts viz. factory Act, shops and establishments Act besides enforcing various other labour laws.

2. Targets and Achievements during 9th Plan

2.1 The Ninth Plan outlay for this sector was Rs. 701.00 lakh (at constant prices of 1996-97). In the year 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 as against the plan provision expenditure was Rs. 90.95 lakh, Rs. 136.36 lakh, Rs. 141.30 lakh and rs. 13.38 respectively. In the year 2001-2002 expenditure of rs. 111.90 lakh is anticipated.

2.2 Various schemes viz Indira Krishi Shramik Durghatna Kshatipurti Yojna, construction, House for Bidi workers and Rehabitation of Bonded labour etc were taken-up. Under IALAC scheme 323 persons were given compensation Rs. 38.06 lakh in the 9th plan perod.

3. Proposal for 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 The main objective and strategy of labour welfare Deptt. is to implement various schemes of welfare of labourers including training for safety, Accidental Insurance, construction of houses etc.

3.2 An outlay of Rs. 770 lakh for 10th Plan and s. 140 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 has been proposed.

3.3 Scheme proposed in 10th Plan are (1) Indira Krishi Shramik Durghatna Kshatipurti Yojana, (2) Construction of Houses for Bidi workers. (3) Rehabilitation of Bonded labour (4) Social security schemes for un-organised labour/establishment of welfare board for workers of un-organised sector. (5) Modernisation of Industrial health hygiene lab at Indore. In the 10th Plan period 6450 houses are proposed to be constructed for Bidi workers.

3.4 The programme rehabilitation of bonded laburers aims at indetification of Bonded Labours, their liberalisation and rehablilitation. Labour Department was assigned this work in 1999. Under this centrally sponsored scheme payment of Rs. 20,000 to every released bonded labour is provided. state govt. and Central govt. share 50:50 of the total expenditure on this head. In the 10th plan an amount of Rs. 50.00 lakh and for the year 2002-2003 Rs. 10.00 lakh is proposed.


13.27 Craftsmen Training

The programme envisages to meet the growing demand of the technicians, consequent to rapid industrial growth in the state vocational training in the state predominantly based on craftsman training scheme (CTS) and apprenticeship training scheme (ATS) Under CTS, training is provided to youth of age group of 14-25 years in 28 Engineering and 17 Non-engineering trades as per common syllabi with the objective of preparing semi skilled workers. On the job training is also provided in the Industry under the Apprentice Act 1961, with the objective to prepare skilled worker for industry in 137 designated trades.

Vocational training is imparted at 150 Industrial Training Institutes in the state. Of 127 ITIS with 14586 seats, 2 ITIs of police deptt with 170 seats and one ITTI with 290 seats of Bhopal Gas Relief Deptt. In addition 20 Private ITIs with 1540 seats are also functioning.

2.0 Ninth Plan 1997-2002

2.1 An outlay of Rs. 8411.00 lakh is approved for Ninth Plan to continue the Schemes of earlier plan, with very few new schemes like purchase of equipments, introduction of new trades/modern trades and training of officers, opening of some new ITG’s was also proposed.

2.2 Against the above approved outlay the expenditure incurred in four years was 1997-98 Rs. 1443.98 lakh 1998-99 Rs. 1722.90 lakh Rs. 1999-2000 Rs. 1673.46 lakh and 2000-01 Rs. 942.76 lakh.

2.3 For Annual Plan 2001-02 an outlay of Rs. 896.28 lakh is approved. An expenditure of Rs. 792.17 is anticipated.

2.4 Different types of trainees were imparted training in various trades. 7 New IIT's were opened and 7 buildings of ITI’s would be completed 6 buildings of ITI’s under World Bank Scheme Equipments workshops in 10 ITI’s, RI Centres in 2 ITI’s would also be 21 blind studnets were trained in Brail of ITI Indore.

3.0 Tenth Plan 2002-07

The objectives set for Tenth Plan are :

(i) Discontinue training in trades that no longer generate demand both from organised and unorganised sectors of the employment market and to redesign the curriculum to impart training relevant to industrial service sector.

(ii) Create, add and expand the infrastructure facilities available for existing disciplines to impart quality training that continue to generate demand.

(iii) Identify such new desciplines and trade, that generate demand both from industry and service sectors and establish the necessary training infrastructure.

(iv) Construction of faculty and training blocks for existing ITI's and ITI's funded under Mini ITI scheme of phase I & II and to equip them to impart training as per norms of national council of vocational training.

(v) Increase in women participation in vocational training by providing training in relevant to trades.

(vi) Developing facilities for training of physically challenged persons.

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 4750.00 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 8896.00 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

3.2 All the schemes of Ninth Plan will continue some new schemes proposed are :-

(i) Procurement of equipment for ITI’s under Mini ITI Scheme.

(ii) Establishment and Strengthening of ITI’s funds under Mini ITI Scheme.

(iii) Establishment of ITI for excellence.

(iv) Vocational Rehabilitation of Physically Challenges persons.

(v) Computerisation of and net working of estt. of Directorate of Employment and Training.

    1. Some 28220 trainees are propoed to be imparted training in various trades. 32 new posts have proposed. New 8 Buildings are likely to be constructed.


13.28 Employment Services


The primary objective of Employment Service is to provide prompt, efficient and adequate services to job seekers as well as to employers. The national Employment Service is being extended through 64 Employment Exchanges in M.P. These include 45 district Employments Exchanges, University Employment and Information Guidance Bureau, Special Employment Exchange for physically handicapped, special Employment Exchange for SC/STs. Mobile unit for Rural Employment Bureau - etc. These Employment Exchange, besides registration and placement extend up to date information of employment opportunities to job seekers and provide such vocational guidance as suit to the applicants to avail suitable oppurtunity.

2.0 Ninth Five Year Plan

2.1 The outlay approved for Ninth Plan is Rs. 140.00 lakh. The expenditure incurred during first four years is 1997-98 - Rs. 215.21 lakh 1998-99 Rs. 253.92 lakh 1999-2000 Rs. 200.14 lakh and 2000-01 Rs. 9.28 lakh.

2.2 Approved outlay for Annual Plan 2001-02 is Rs. 9.50 lakh against which an expenditure of Rs. 9.29 lakh is anticipated.

2.3 During Ninth Plan period computerisation of 8 Employment Exchanges would be completed. In addition work earlier started in 43 Emp. Exch. would continue. Some 39 Tribal condidates and 52 SC candidates were imported computer training. One centre of setwin was continued.

3.0 Tenth Plan 2002-07 and Annual Plan 2002-03

No specific new strategy is proposed. The main objectives set up are :-

(1) To make employment exchanges an efficient and on line service provider of information related to employment opportunity.

(2) To equip the employment exchanges with ability to provide vocational guidance to job seekers.

3.2 An outlay of Rs. 181.00 lakh for Tenth Plan and Rs. 24.60 lakh for Annual Plan 2002-03 is proposed.

3.3 The programme of computerisation of employment exchanges would be continued. 5 Emp. Exch. will be computerised. Programme of training to 200 SC and 300 ST. Candidates would be continued Enforcements and implementation C.N.V. Act 1959 would be ensured under which notices to some 12500 employers are proposed to be issued.

3.4 Only one new scheme viz ;

(i) quality improvement and strengthening of Employment Exchanges is proposed for which an outlay of Rs. 10.00 lakh is proposed for training of all employments officers.


13.29 Social Welfare


The mandate of the department of social welfare is care, welfare and rehabilitation of the aged persons with disabilities neglected and delinquent juveniles, destitues, beggers, drug addicts and other disadvantaged groups.

The main objective of the welfare is to bring these vulnarable sections within the mainstream of society. The implementation of the various policies and programmes seek to empower these groups and facilitate their access to various opportunities of development. Disabilities Act has been passed in 1995 under which various services are provided to disabled persons.

2.0 Target and Achievements During 9th Plan.

2.1 The approved plan outlay for social welfare sector in the 9th plan period was Rs. 1402.0 lakh. Against the approved plan outlay in the year 1997-98, 98-99, 99-2000 and 2000-01 an amount of Rs. 244.62 lakh, Rs. 197.91 lakh, Rs. 173.28 lakh and Rs. 265.22 lakh was spent respectively. In the year 2001-02 anticipated expenditure is Rs. 307.06 lakh.

2.2 During 9th plan period main schemes of the department were implemented such as welfare of disabled, Juvenile welfare fund, welfare of aged infirm & destilute, correctional services etc.

2.3 During 9th plan period on the schemes welfare of disabled an amount of Rs. 953.70 lakh was spent which benefitted 125266 persons in need. Under the scheme of welfare of aged infirm and destitutes 152 beneficiaries and under correctional services 911 persons were benefitted.

3.0 Proposals for the 10th Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 Strategies proposed in the 10th plan includes provision of essential facilities and services to the children living in the juvenile homes aged and infirms etc.

3.2 It has been envisaged in National Policy on children and rights, children facilities relating to protection, food and nutrition, education, training, medical care, employment and rehabilitation are provided to disabled children and they are made self sufficient.

    1. An outlay of 2038.25 lakh for 10th plan and Rs. 407.65 lakh has been proposed for Annual Plan 2002-03 respectively. Department has proposed the schemes among which - welfare of disabled, child-welfare, welfare aged infirms and destitute, prohibition and correctional services, etc.

3.4 It is provided to distribute scholarship to 139500 disables and 57500 artificial limbs/appliances 62000 beneficiaries through voluntary organisation are to be benefitted. Under the scheme of juvinab welfare fund 125 juveniles are to be assisted. Juvinile Welfare Board is proposed to be constituted during 10th plan period. For the benefit of 10,000 leprosy patients, grant in aid is proposed to be provided through voluntary organisations. Under the Begger Home Scheme 250 persons are targatted for their welfare.


13.30 Women & Child Development


The Directorate of women and child development was established in the year 1986 and a separate administrative department was set up in 1988-89 with the objective of specific attention to the integrated development of women and children and their social and economic problems. The departments activities comprise for raising the status of women at all levels and improving health and nutrition facilities for the children with special focus on the children belonging to lower income groups such as landless labourers.

2. Targets and Achievements During 9th Plan

2.1 The approved outlay for the 9th five year plan was 184.37 crore. During 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 as against the plan provision Rs. 14.31 crore, Rs. 14.55 crore , Rs. 14.90 crore, Rs. 10.31 crore and Rs. 10.98 crore was spent respectively.

2.2 During the 9th five year plan schemes taken up for children’s, welfare include establishment of 62 new ICDS projects, construction of Balniketan, family atmosphere to orphans, mobile creches scheme and construction of Anganwadies etc. Scheme for women includes Ayushmati, Vesya Unmulan (Jabali Scheme), Bhagya Laxmi Scheme, Vatsalya Yojna etc.

2.3 A number of schemes for the welfare of women & children are being undertaken with the help of child welfare and voluntary social organisation like the operation of sewing and tailoring centres, village Balwadies, rehabilitations and training of women in distress, Balvikas Kendras etc.

2.4 Schemes for grant-in-aid to voluntary organisations for child and women welfare, mobile chreches scheme, Jhoolaghar and organising awareness camps etc. are being implemented through District Planning Committees.

2.5 Under the "Gramya" Yojna total number of 20303 women were assisted as against the target of 20,000 during 9th five year plan period.

2.6 Vesya Unmulan (Jabali Scheme) which was run during 9th Plan period, a sum of Rs. 2.56 crore was spent for welfare of prostitute women and their children, as against total outlay of Rs. 2.62 crores.

2.7 The DWCRA scheme which was continue in the 9th plan period, Rs. 757.44 lakh were spent as against the plan outlay Rs. 900.00 lakh.


3. Proposals for the 10th Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 For the 10th five year plan period it is proposed to adopt the following strategy for the development of women & children :-

1. Constitution and strengthening of women Self Help Groups (SHG’s) aimed at their socio-economic empowerment.

2. Sustained and intensive drive for controlling and preventing mal nutrition and morbidity in women and children.

3. Extension and Re-vitalisation of Jabali Scheme for preventing porstitution.

4. Indentifying circumstances and areas that are discriminatory against women, leading to crime and voilence against them, both in home and outside it. The department will focus its attention both for initiating measures to prevent such crimes and for rehabilitating the victims.

3.2 A provision of Rs. 63.47 crore has been proposed, for 10th five year plan period. Out of this provision Rs. 14.77 crore has been proposed for women SHG’s scheme which is a new scheme, rest of the proposed amount e.g. Rs. 48.70 crore is for continuing schemes. For Annual Plan 2002-03 outlay has been proposed of Rs. 11.54 crore.

3.3 During 10th plan period it is poposed to organise 22000 women awareness camps and 17830 women are to be benefitted under Gramya Yojna. To provide good building facility for anganbwadi centers 6500 anganwadi buildings will be repaired during 10th plan. Through NGO's 24 instutions will be run for rehabilitating children of women involved in prostitution. Grant in aid is proposed to be provided for 89 organisations involved in child welfare activities during 10th plan period.


13.31 Nutrition


The aim of Nutrition Programme is to provide supplementary nutrition, immunisation health check-up and non-formal health education to children and pregnant/nursing mother to remove malnutrition prevailing among them.

Under the nutrition programme, Mid-day meal scheme was started in 1966 to provide Mid-Day-Food to the school-going children between 6-14 years and special Nutrition Programme was started in 1970-71 for the pregnant and nursing mothers. Initially these schemes were under the Tribal Deptt, but at present are being run by the women and child development department. The ICDS provides nutritional requirement of the children below 6 years.

2. Targets and Achievements during 9th Plan

2.1 The approved outlay in the 9th plan was Rs. 126.17 crore at the constant price of 1996-97. During 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-01 and 2001-02 as against the plan provision of Rs. 41.39 crore, 47.00 crore, 49.60 crore, 51.25 crore and 42.00 crore an amount of Rs. 37.38 crore, Rs. 32.47 crore, Rs. 37.89 crore, Rs. 39.43 crore and Rs. 42.00 crore was spent in respective years.

2.2 During 9th Plan period 48.0 lakh nutritional diet was provided to the beneficiaries.

3. Proposals for the 10th Plan and Annual Plan 2002-2003

3.1 An outlay of Rs. 328.52 crore and Rs. 59.73 crore is proposed for the 10th five year plan and Annual Plan 2002-03 respectively.

3.2 During 10th plan period to provide supplimentary nutrition to children in age group of 0-6 years and pregnant and lactating mothers 33.95 lakh in rural areas, 13.75 lakh in tribal areas and 7.32 lakh in urban areas is proposed.


13.32 Legal Aid to Poor


The programme aims at the protection of poor against the injustice of influential and powerful sections of the society and vested interests, creat awareness in them regarding their rights and help them to avoid un-necessary litigration. They should get justice on the basis of equal opportunity and should be provided free and competent legal services. For these purposes the Legal Services Authority has been constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act 1987. High Court level legal services committee, district level legal service committee and Tehsil level service Committee also have been constituted to provide legal aid to poor.

2.0 Targets and Achievements during 9th Plan.

2.1 For the Ninth Five Year Plan and outlay of Rs. 257.00 lakh was approved. Against this provision Rs. 55.00 lakh, Rs. 39.00 lakh, Rs. 49.50 lakh, Rs. 55.00 lakh was spent in the year 1997-98, 98-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 respectively. In the year 2001-02 an anticipated expenditure is Rs. 10.19 lakh.

2.2 Physical Progress during 9th Plan period was as follows :-

3.0 Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 A provision of Rs. 218.00 lakh for the 10th plan is provided for the Annual Plan 2002-03, an amount of Rs. 43.0 lakh is proposed as an outlay.

3.2 In the 10th plan period, it is proposed to benefit 4.70 lakh persons with legal aid and legal advice. Likewise in the year 2002-2003 90,000 persons are targetted to be benefitted under this scheme.

3.3 3750 Lok Adalat Camps in 10th plan and 650 camps are proposed to be organised in the year 2002-03.


13.33 Infrastructure Development for Justice Administration


On the direction of the Supreme Court, a centrally sponsored scheme for providing infrastructural facilities to the judiciary by the construction of courts buildings and residential quarters for judges has been taken up from the year 1994, for its proper functioning.

2.0 Targets and Achievements during 9th Five Year Plan

2.1 An approved outlay for 9th Five Year Plan period was Rs. 2103 lakh. During this plan period in the year 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000 and 2000-01 an amount of Rs. 1495.71 lakh Rs. 1370.01 lakh, Rs. 457.85 lakh and 494.12 lakh was spent. In the year 2001-2002 an anticipated expenditure is Rs. 474.04 lakh.

2.2 Total 254 residential quarters including 13 A-Type and 73 G-Type quarter were completed during 9th Plan period.

Proposals for the 10th Five Year Plan and Annual Plan 2002-03

3.1 A provision of Rs. 2405 lakh has been made for the 10th five year plan and for the Annual Plan 2002-03, an outlay of Rs. 474.00 lakh has been proposed.

3.2 For the 10th Plan period the department has proposed for the construction of 857 residential quarters for departmental officers and employees and 50 court buildings as physical target.