Annual Plan 2008-09


1. Hod wise and Scheme wise  Outlay 2008-09 (with TSP SCSP components)

2. Hod wise and Scheme wise  Outlay 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 (Outlay & expenditure)

3. Hod wise and Scheme wise  District Sector Outlay 2008-09

4. GN Statement                                                          

5.  Tribal Sub Plan 

6.  Schedule Caste  Sub Plan 


7. Centrally Sponsored Schemes

8. Voluntary Secotor  Schemes


9.  Women Component Schemes


10. Externally Aided Projects

11. Physical Targets 2008-09 


12. Physical  Targets  11th Plan 


13. Bharat Nirman 

Contents Provided, Updated &  Maintained By

M.P. State Planning Commission (SPC) ,  Vindhyachal Bhawan , Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India